In this article by Henry Potsangbam, the author of the book Learning Couchbase, we will learn that Couchbase is a NoSQL nonrelational database management system, which is different from traditional relational database management systems in many significant ways. It is designed for distributed data stores in which there are very large-scale data storage requirements (terabytes and petabytes of data). These types of data storing mechanisms might not require fixed schemas, avoid join operations, and typically scale horizontally.
The main feature of Couchbase is that it is schemaless. There is no fixed schema to store data. Also, there is no join between one or more data records or documents. It allows distributed storage and utilizes computing resources, such as CPU and RAM, spanning across the nodes that are part of the Couchbase cluster.
Couchbase databases provide the following benefits:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Couchbase clusters consist of multiple nodes. A cluster is a collection of one or more instances of the Couchbase server that are configured as a logical cluster. The following is a Couchbase server architecture diagram:
Couchbase Server Architecture
As mentioned earlier, while most of the clusters' technologies work on master-slave relationships, Couchbase works on peer-to-peer node mechanism. This means there is no difference between the nodes in the cluster. The functionality provided by each node is the same. Thus, there is no single point of failure. When there is a failure of one node, another node takes up its responsibility, thus providing high availability.
Any operation performed on the Couchbase database system gets stored in the memory, which acts as a caching layer. By default, every document gets stored in the memory for each read, insert, update, and so on until the memory is full. It's a drop-in replacement for Memcache. However, in order to provide persistency of the record, there is a concept called disk queue. This will flush the record to the disk asynchronously, without impacting the client request. This functionality is provided automatically by the data manager, without any human intervention.
The cluster manager is responsible for node administration and node monitoring within a cluster. Every node within a Couchbase cluster includes the cluster manager component, data storage, and data manager. It manages data storage and retrieval. It contains the memory cache layer, disk persistence mechanism, and query engine.
Couchbase clients use the cluster map provided by the cluster manager to find out which node holds the required data, and then communicates with the data manager on that node to perform database operations.
In RDBMS, we usually encapsulate all of the relevant data for a particular application in a database. Say, for example, we are developing an e-commerce application. We usually create a database named, e-commerce, that will be used as the logical namespace to store records in a table, such as customer or shopping cart details. It's called a bucket in a Couchbase terminology. So, whenever you want to store any document in a Couchbase cluster, you will be creating a bucket as a logical namespace as the first step. Precisely, a bucket is an independent virtual container that groups documents logically in a Couchbase cluster, which is equivalent to a database namespace in RDBMS. It can be accessed by various clients in an application. You can also configure features such as security, replication, and so on per bucket. We usually create one database and consolidate all related tables in that namespace in the RDBMS development. Likewise, in Couchbase too, you will usually create one bucket per application and encapsulate all the documents in it.
Now, let me explain this concept in detail, since it's the component that administrators and developers will be working with most of the time. In fact, I used to wonder why it is named "bucket". Perhaps, we can store anything in it as we do in the physical world, hence the name "bucket". In any database system, the main purpose is to store data, and the logical namespace for storing data is called a database. Likewise, in Couchbase, the namespace for storing data is called a bucket. So in brief, it's a data container that stores data related to applications, either in the RAM or in disks.
In fact, it helps you partition application data depending on an application's requirements. If you are hosting different types of applications in a cluster, say an e-commerce application and a data warehouse, you can partition them using buckets. You can create two buckets, one for the e-commerce application and another for the data warehouse. As a thumb rule, you create one bucket for each application. In an RDBMS, we store data in the forms of rows in a table, which in turn is encapsulated by a database. In Couchbase, bucket is the equivalence of database, but there is no concept of tables in Couchbase. In Couchbase, all data or records, which are referred to as documents, are stored directly in a bucket. Basically, the lowest namespace for storing document or data in Couchabase is a bucket.
Internally, Couchbase arranges to store documents in different storages for different buckets. Information such as runtime statistics is collected and reported by the Couchbase cluster, grouped by the bucket type. It enables you to flush out individual buckets. You can create a separate temporary bucket rather than a regular transaction bucket when you need temporary storage for ad hoc requirements, such as reporting, temporary workspace for application programming, and so on, so that you can flush out the temporary bucket after use. The features or capabilities of a bucket depend on its type, which will be discussed subsequently.
Couchbase provides two types of buckets, which are differentiated by the mechanism of its storage and capabilities. The two types are:
As the name suggests, buckets of the Memcached type store documents only in the RAM. This means that documents stored in the Memcache bucket are volatile in nature. Hence, such types of buckets won't survive a system reboot. Documents that are stored in such buckets will be accessible by direct address using the key-value pair mechanism. The bucket is distributed, which means that it is spread across the Couchbase cluster nodes. Since it's volatile in nature, you need to be sure of its use cases before using such types of buckets. You can use this kind of bucket to store data that is required temporarily and for better performance, since all of the data is stored in the memory but doesn't require durability. Suppose you need to display a list of countries in your application, then, instead of always fetching from the disk storage, the best way is to fetch data from the disk, populate it in the Memcached bucket, and use it in your application. In the Memcached bucket, the maximum size of a document allowed is 1 MB. All of the data is stored in the RAM, and if the bucket is running out of memory, the oldest data will be discarded. We can't replicate a Memcached bucket. It's completely compatible with the open source Memcached distributed memory object caching system. If you want to know more about the Memcached technology, you can refer to http://memcached.org/.
The Couchbase bucket type gives persistence to documents. It is distributed across a cluster of nodes and can configure replication, which is not supported in the Memcached bucket type. It's highly available, since documents are replicated across nodes in a cluster.
You can verify the bucket using the web Admin UI as follows:
By now, you must have understood the concept of buckets, its working and configuration, and so on. Let's now understand the items that get stored in it. So, what is a document? A document is a piece of information or data that gets stored in a bucket. It's the smallest item that can be stored in a bucket. As a developer, you will always be working on a bucket, in terms of documents. Documents are similar to rows in the RDBMS table schema; but in NoSQL terminologies, it will be referred to as a document. It's a way of thinking and designing data objects. All information and data should get stored as a document as it's represented in a physical document. All NoSQL databases, including Couchbase don't require a fixed schema to store documents or data in a particular bucket. These documents are represented in the form of JSON. For the time being, let's try to understand the document at a basic level. Let me show you how a document in represented in Couchbase for better clarity. You need to install the beer-sample bucket for this, which comes along with the Couchbase software installation. If you did not install it earlier, you can do it from the web console using the Settings button.
The document overview
The preceding screenshot shows a document, it represents a brewery and its document ID is 21st_amendment_brewery_cafe. Each document can have multiple properties/items along with its values. For example, name is the property and 21st Amendment Brewery Café is the value of the name property.
So, what is this document ID? The document ID is a unique identifier that is assigned for each document in a bucket. You need to assign a unique ID whenever a document gets stored in a bucket. It's just like a primary key of a table in RDBMS.
As described earlier, a document key is a unique identifier for a document. The value of a document key can be any string.
In addition to the key, documents usually have three more types of metadata, which are provided by the Couchbase server, unless modified by an application developer. They are as follows:
In order to bring agility to applications that change business processes frequently, demanded by its business environment, being schemaless is a good feature. In this methodology, you don't need to be concerned about structures of data initially while designing application.This means as a developer, you don't need to worry about structures of a database schema, such as tables, or worry about splitting information into various tables, instead, you should focus on application requirement and satisfy business needs.
I still recollect various moments related to design domain objects/tables, which I've been through when I was a developer, especially when I just graduated from engineering college and was into developing applications for a corporate company. Whenever I was a part of the discussions for any application requirement, at the back of the mind, I had some of these questions:
My point here is that instead of being mentally present in the discussion on requirement gathering and understanding the business requirements in detail, I spent more time mapping business entities in a table format. The reason being that if I did not put forward the technical constraints at that time, it would be difficult to revert about the technical challenges we could face in the data structures design later.
Earlier, whenever we talked about application design, we always thought about database design structures, such as converting objects into multiple tables using normalization forms (2NF/3NF), and spent a lot of time mapping database objects to application objects using various ORM tools, such as Hibernate, Ejb, and so on. In document modeling, we will always think in terms of application requirements, that is, data or information flow while designing documents, not in terms of storage. We can simply start our application development using business representation of an entity without much concern about the storage structures. Having covered the various advantages provided by a document-based system, we will discuss in this section how to design such kinds of documents to store in any document-based database system, such as Couchbase. Then, we can effectively design domain objects for coherence with the application requirements.
Whenever we model the document's structure, we need to consider two main points, one is to store all information in one document and the second is to break it down into multiple documents. You need to consider these and choose one keeping the application requirement in mind.
So, an important factor is to evaluate whether the information contains unrelated data components that are independent and can be broken up into different documents or all components represent a complete domain object that could be accessed together most of the time. If data components in an information are related and will be required most of the time, together in a business logic, consider grouping them as a single logical container so that the application developer won't perceive as separate objects or documents. All of these factors depend on the nature of the application being developed and its use cases. Besides these, you need to think in terms of accessing information, such as atomicity, single unit of access, and so on. You can ask yourself a question such as, "Are we going to create or modify the information as a single unit or not?". We also need to consider concurrency, what will happen when the document is accessed by multiple clients at the same time and so on.
After looking at all these considerations that you need to keep in mind while designing a document, you have two options: one is to keep all of the information in a single document, and the other is to have a separate document for every different object type.
We have also discussed some of the guidelines used for designing document-based database system.
What if we need to connect and perform operations on the Couchbase cluster in an application? This can be achieved using Couchbase client libraries, which are also collectively known as the Couchbase Software Development Kit (SDK). The Couchbase SDK APIs are language dependent. However, the concept remains the same and is applicable to all languages that are supported by the SDK.
Let's now try to understand the Couchbase APIs as a concept without referring to any specific language, and then we will map these concepts to Java APIs in the Java SDK section. Couchbase SDK clients are also known as smart clients since they understand the overall status of the cluster, that is, clustermap, and keep the information of the vBucket and its server nodes updated. There are two types of Couchbase clients, as follows:
Let's understand how the write operation works in the Couchbase cluster.
When a write command is issued using the set operation on the Couchbase cluster, the server immediately responds once the document is written to the memory of that particular node. How do clients know which nodes in the cluster will be responsible for storing the document? You might recall that every operation requires a document ID, using this document ID, the hash algorithm determines the vBucket in which it belongs. Then, this vBucket is used to determine the node that will store the document. All mapping information, vBucket to node, is stored in each of the Couchbase client SDKs, which form the clustermap.
Whenever we want to extract fields from JSON documents without document ID, we use views. If you want to find a document or fetch information about a document with attributes or fields of a document other than the document ID, a view is the way to go for it. Views are written in the form of MapReduce, which we have discussed earlier, that is, it consists of map and reduce phase. Couchbase implements MapReduce using the JavaScript language.
The following diagram shows you how various documents are passed through the View engine to produce an index. The View engine ensures that all documents in the bucket are passed through the map method for processing and subsequently to reduce function to create indexes.
When we write views, the View Engine defines materialized views for JSON documents and then queries across the dataset in the bucket. Couchbase provides a view processor to process the entire documents with map and reduce methods defined by the developer to create views. The views are maintained locally by each node for the documents stored in that particular node. Views are created for documents that are stored on the disk only.
A view has its own life cycle. You need to define, build, and query it, as shown in this diagram:
View life cycle
Initially, you will define the logic of MapReduce and build it on each node for each document that is stored locally. In the build phase, we usually emit those attributes that need to be part of indexes. Views usually work on JSON documents only. If documents are not in the JSON format or the attributes that we emit in the map function are not part of the document, then the document is ignored during the generation of views by the view engine. Finally, views are queried by clients to retrieve and find documents. After the completion of this cycle, you can still change the definition of MapReduce. For that, you need to bring the view to development mode and modify it. Thus, you have the view cycle as shown in the preceding diagram while developing a view.
The preceding code shows a view. A view has predefined syntax. You can't change the method signature. Here, it follows the functional programming syntax. The preceding code shows a map method that accepts two parameters:
Each map will return some objects in the form of key and value. This is represented by the emit() method. The emit() method returns key and value. However, value will usually be null. Since, we can retrieve a document using the key, it's better to use that instead of using the value field of the emit() method.
Why do we need custom reduce functions? Sometimes, the built-in reduce function doesn’t meet our requirements, although it will suffice most of the time.
Custom reduce functions allow you to create your own reduce function. In such a reduce function, the output of map function goes to the corresponding reduce function group as per the key of the map output and the group level parameter. Couchbase ensures that output from the map will be grouped by key and supplied to reduce. Then it’s the developer's role to define logic in reduce, what to perform on the data such as aggregating, addition, and so on.
To handle the incremental MapReduce functionality (that is, updating an existing view), each function must also be able to handle and consume its own output. In an incremental situation, the function must handle both new records and previously computed reductions.
The input to the reduce function can be not only raw data from the map phase, but also the output of a previous reduce phase. This is called re-reduce and can be identified by the third argument of reduce(). When the re-reduce argument is false, both the key and value arguments are arrays, the value argument array matches the corresponding element with that of array of key. For example, the key[1] is the key of value[1]. The map to reduce function execution is shown as follows:
Map reduce execution in a view
So far, you have learned how to fetch documents in two ways: using document ID and views. The third way of retrieving documents is by using N1QL, pronounced as Nickel. Personally, I feel that it is a great move by Couchbase to provided SQL-like syntax, since most engineers and IT professionals are quite familiar with SQL, which is usually part of their formal education. It brings confidence in them and also provides ease of using Couchbase in their applications. Moreover, it provides most database operational activities related to development.
N1QL can be used to:
Prior to the advent of N1QL, developers needed to perform key-based operations, which was quite complex when it came to retrieving information using views and custom reduce. With the previously available options, developers needed to know the key before performing any operation on the document, which would not be the case all the time. Before N1QL features were incorporated in Couchbase, you could not perform ad hoc queries on documents in a bucket until you created views on it. Moreover, sometimes we need to perform joins or searches in the bucket, which is not possible using the document ID and views. All of these drawbacks are addressed in N1QL. I would rather say that N1QL features as an evolution in the Couchbase history.
Most N1QL queries will be in the following format:
SELECT [DISTINCT] <expression>
FROM <data source>
WHERE <expression>
GROUP BY <expression>
ORDER BY <expression>
LIMIT <number>
OFFSET <number>
The preceding statement is very generic. It tells you the comprehensive options provided by N1QL in one syntax:
SELECT * FROM LearningCouchbase
This selects the entire document store in the bucket, LearningCouchbase. Here, we have fetched all the documents in the LearningCouchbase bucket. The output of the query is shown here; it is in the JSON document format only. All documents returned by the N1QL query will be in the array values format of the attribute, resultset.
You learned how to design a document base data schema and connect using connection polling from a Java base application to Couchbase. You also understood how to retrieve data from it using MapReduce based views, and you understood SQL such as syntax, N1QL to extract documents from the Couchbase database, and bucket and perform high available features with XDCR. It will also enable you to perform a full text search by integrating Elasticsearch plugins.