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Yesterday the team at Nesta organization, an innovation firm based out of UK published a research on gender diversity in the AI research workforce. The authors of this research are Juan Mateos Garcis, the Director, Konstantinos Stathoulopoulos, the Principal Researcher and Hannah Owen, the Programme Coordinator at Nesta.
They have prepared an analysis purely based on 1.5 million arxiv papers. The team claims that it is the first ever study of gender diversity in AI which is not on any convenience sampling or proprietary database.
The team posted on its official blog post, “We conducted a large-scale analysis of gender diversity in AI research using publications from arXiv, a repository with more than 1.5 million preprints widely used by the AI community. We aim to expand the evidence base on gender diversity in AI research and create a baseline with which to interrogate the impact of current and future policies and interventions.
To achieve this, we enriched the ArXiv data with geographical, discipline and gender information in order to study the evolution of gender diversity in various disciplines, countries and institutions as well as examine the semantic differences between AI papers with and without female co-authors.”
With this research the team also aims to bring prominent female figures they have identified under the spotlight.
The team found a severe gender diversity gap in AI research with only 13.83% of authors being women. Moreover, in relative terms, the proportion of AI papers co-authored by at least one woman has not improved since the 1990s. Juan Mateos thinks this kind of crisis is a waste of talent and it increases the risk of discriminatory AI systems.
Women in the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark are more likely to publish AI papers while those in Japan and Singapore are less likely. In the UK, 26.62% of the AI papers have at least one female co-author, placing the country at the 22nd spot worldwide. The US follows the UK in terms of having at least one female co-authors at 25% and for the unique female author US leads one position above UK.
Source: Nesta research report
Regarding the research domains, women working in Physics and Education, Computer Ethics and other societal issues and Biology are more likely to publish their work on AI in comparison to those working in Computer Science or Mathematics.
Source: Nesta research report
Apart from the University of Washington, every other academic institution and organisation in the dataset has less than 25% female AI researchers. Regarding some of the big tech, only 11.3% of Google’s employees who have published their AI research on arXiv are women, while the proportion is similar for Microsoft (11.95%) and is slightly better for IBM (15.66%).
When examining the publications in the Machine Learning and Societal topics in the UK in 2012 and 2015, papers involving at least one female co-author tend to be more semantically similar to each other than with those without any female authors. Moreover, papers with at least one female co-author tend to be more applied and socially aware, with terms such as fairness, human mobility, mental, health, gender and personality being among the most salient ones. Juan Mateos noted that this is an area which deserves further research.
There are 5 other women researchers who were not identified in the study.
The research team also interviewed few researchers and institutions identified in their work and they think a system wide reform is needed. When the team discussed the findings with the most cited female researcher Mihaela Van Der Schaar, she did feel that her presence in the field has only started to be recognised, having begun her career in 2003, ‘I think that part of the reason for this is because I am a woman, and the experience of (the few) other women in AI in the same period has been similar.’ she says.
Professor Van Der Schaar also described herself and many of her female colleagues as ‘faceless’, she suggested that the work of celebrating leading women in the field could have a positive impact on the representation of women, as well as the disparity in the recognition that these women receive.
This suggests that work is needed across the pipeline, not just with early-stage invention in education, but support for those women in the field. She also highlighted the importance of open discussion about the challenges women face in the AI sector and that workplace changes such as flexible hours are needed to enable researchers to participate in a fast-paced sector without sacrificing their family life.
The team further discussed the findings with the University of Washington’s Eve Riskin, Associate Dean of Diversity and Access in the College of Engineering. Riskin described that much of her female faculty experienced a ‘toxic environment’ and pervasive imposter syndrome. She also emphasized the fact that more research is needed in terms of the career trajectories of the male and female researchers including the recruitment and retention.
While these women talk about the diversity gaps in this field recently we have seen works from female researchers like Katie Bouman which gained significant attention. Katie is a post-doctoral fellow at MIT whose algorithm led to an image of a supermassive black hole. But then all the attention became a catalyst for a sexist backlash on social media and YouTube. It set off “what can only be described as a sexist scavenger hunt,” as The Verge described it, in which an apparently small group of vociferous men questioned Bouman’s role in the project. “People began going over her work to see how much she’d really contributed to the project that skyrocketed her to unasked-for fame.”
Another incredible example in the field of AI research and ethics is of Meredith Whittaker, an ex-Googler, now a program manager, activist, and co-founder of the AI Now Institute at New York University. Meredith is committed to the AI Now Institute, her AI ethics work, and to organize an accountable tech industry. On Tuesday, Meredith left Google after facing retaliation from company for organizing last year’s protest of Google Walkout for Real Change demanding the company for structural changes to ensure a safe and conducive work environment for everyone..
The research also highlights the fact that women are as capable as men in contributing to technical topics while they tend to contribute more than men to publications with a societal or ethical output.
Some of the leading AI researchers in the field shared their opinion on this: Petia Radeva, Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Barcelona, was positive that the increasingly broad domains of application for AI and the potential impact of this technology will attract more women into the sector.
Similarly, Van Der Schaar suggests that “publicising the interdisciplinary scope of possibilities and career paths that studying AI can lead to will help to inspire a more diverse group of people to pursue it. In parallel, the industry will benefit from a pipeline of people who are motivated by combining a variety of ideas and applying them across domains.”
The research team in future will explore the temporal co-authorship network of AI papers to examine how different the career trajectory of male and female researchers might be. They will survey AI researchers on arXiv and investigate the drivers of the diversity gap in more detail through their innovation mapping methods. They also plan to extend this analysis to identify the representation of other underrepresented groups.
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