In this article, Indermohan Singh, the author of Ionic 2 Blueprints we will create a conference app. We will create an app which will provide list of speakers, schedule, directions to the venue, ticket booking, and lots of other features.
We will learn the following things:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Conference app is a companion application for conference attendees. In this application, we are using Lanyrd JSON Exportand hardcoded JSON file as our backend. We will have a tabs and side menu interface, just like our e-commerce application.
When a user opens our app, the app will show a tab interface with SpeakersPageopen. It will have SchedulePage for conference schedule and AboutPage for information about conference.
We will also make this app work offline, without any Internet connection. So, your user will still be able to view speakers, see the schedule, and do other stuff without using the Internet at all.
In the application, we have used a hardcoded JSON file as our Database. But in the truest sense, we are actually using a JSON export of a Lanyrd event. I was trying to make this article using Lanyrd as the backend, but unfortunately, Lanyrd is mostly in maintenance mode. So I was not able to use it. In this article, I am still using a JSON export from Lanyrd, from a previous event. So, if you are able to get a JSON export for your event, you can just swap the URL and you are good to go.
Those who don't want to use Lanyrd and instead want to use their own backend, must have a look at the next section. I have described the structure of JSON, which I have used to make this app. You can create your REST API accordingly.
Let's understand the structure of the JSON export.
timezone: "Australia/Brisbane",
sessions: [..]
day: "Saturday 21st November",
sessions: [..]
start_time: "2015-11-21 09:30:00",
topics: [],
web_url: "url of event
times: "9:30am - 10:00am",
id: "sdtpgq",
types: [ ],
end_time_epoch: 1448064000,
speakers: [],
title: "Talk Title",
event_id: "event_id",
space: "Space",
day: "Saturday 21st November",
end_time: "2015-11-21 10:00:00",
other_url: null,
start_time_epoch: 1448062200,
abstract: "<p>Abstract of Talk</p>"
Here, the speakers array has a list of all speakers. We will use that speakers array to create a list of all speakers in an array. You can see the whole structure here:
That's all we need to understand for JSON.
In this section, we will define various functionalities of our application. We will also show the architecture of our app using an app flow diagram.
We will be including the following functionalities in our application:
This is how the control will flow inside our application:
Let's understand the flow:
In this article, we discussed about the JSON files that will used as database in our app. We also defined the the functionalities of our app and understood the flow of our app.
Further resources on this subject: