Managing your work
Whether you work in a team or as an independent developer, the odds are good that you will have a lengthy list of requirements describing what you need to build. Scrum teams use product backlogs, traditional teams use functional specifications, and other teams will have their own variations of these. Even as an independent developer, you probably maintain, at minimum, a to-do list of features to add and bugs to fix. Using TFS, this information can be stored in the team project.
TFS provides several different ways you can classify your outstanding tasks, which are called work items, and include bug, feature, issue, task, and several more. As you may expect, these let you indicate the type of item being described. A minor bug (say incorrect font sizing) may be passed over in favor of a new feature to implement or a more serious bug (application keeps crashing).
You may recall that in the Creating a new TFS project recipe, you were able to select a Process template while creating...