Connecting to a server
To connect to a server you know the IP address of, you can call Network.Connect
The following script allows the player to enter an IP, a port, and an optional password and attempts to connect to the server:
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ExampleUnityNetworkingConnectToServer : MonoBehavior { private string ip = ""; private string port = ""; private string password = ""; void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Label( "IP Address" ); ip = GUILayout.TextField( ip, GUILayout.Width( 200f ) ); GUILayout.Label( "Port" ); port = GUILayout.TextField( port, GUILayout.Width( 50f ) ); GUILayout.Label( "Password (optional)" ); password = GUILayout.PasswordField( password, '*',GUILayout.Width( 200f ) ); if( GUILayout.Button( "Connect" ) ) { int portNum = 25005; // failed to parse port number – a more ideal solution is tolimit input to numbers only, a number of examples can befound on the Unity forums if( !int.TryParse( port, out portNum ) ) { Debug.LogWarning( "Given port is not a number" ); } // try to initiate a direct connection to the server else { Network.Connect( ip, portNum, password ); } } } void OnConnectedToServer() { Debug.Log( "Connected to server!" ); } void OnFailedToConnect( NetworkConnectionError error ) { Debug.Log( "Failed to connect to server: " +error.ToString() ); } }