Chapter 7: Completing the 2D Adventure
In the previous chapter, we continued to work on a 2D adventure game. We added additional scenes, created a dynamic element in the form of a moving platform, added player kill zones, and created a health system including a UI health bar. This chapter completes the game by adding the remaining features:
- Adding gun turrets that damage the player—as we have a health system, we need something to test it
- Creating a friend for the player—the game's first Non-Player Character (NPC)
- Giving the NPC something to talk about by creating a quest system—useful knowledge for many game genres
An NPC is any character not controlled by the player. They are usually friendly or at least ambivalent toward the player and, when used correctly, can help bring a game to life. The NPC we create here will be very basic but will have many of the characteristics of NPCs from RPG games. You know, those characters that stand...