Reporting timelines
Reporting can be done in a variety of ways and on a myriad of different timelines. These cycles will all depend on the requirements of the organization and the level of insight that they require. For example, it is not uncommon to submit an end-of-day summary to the stakeholders informing everyone of what was accomplished, any meaningful findings, and the milestones that are coming up for the team. Such communication can be submitted in an email or a summarized report. These tend to be short and to the point without any flair, such as graphics or charts. Unless something significant occurred, feedback will rarely be given for this type of deliverable.
If an extended threat hunt is being conducted, such as one that spans more than a month, it is not uncommon to have the hunt planned out in phases. After each major phase, a wrap-up report would be provided. This would be delivered in the same manner and formatting as an end-of-mission debrief with all the stakeholders...