Modifying model relationships
In this recipe, we will create the necessary relationships for the new tables. These relationships will be used in the model in order for the SSAS engine to perform correct calculations.
How to do it...
Open your model in the Diagram view and you will see the four tables that you imported from the previous recipe.
Select the CSRFCND field in the CSRFCND_T table and drag the CSRFCND table in the Crash_Data table.
Select the LIGHT field in the LIGHT_T table and drag to the LIGHT table in the Crash_Data table.
Select the MAJCSE field in the MAJCSE_T table and drag to the MAJCSE table in the Crash_Data table.
Select the WEATHER field in the WEATHER_T table and drag to the WEATHER table in the Crash_Data table.
How it works...
Each table in this section has a relationship built between the code columns and the Crash_Data table corresponding columns. These relationships allow for DAX calculations to be applied across the data tables.