Dennis Vroegop is a programmer, no matter what his business card states. He has been programming computers since the early 1980s and still gets a kick whenever he sees his software running. After graduating with a degree in Business Informatics, he has worked in many roles over the years while retaining his passion for developing great software. These days, he works as an interim IT manager or CTO, helping companies get their software development in shape and making the developers happy about their work again.
He has been awarded the Microsoft MVP Award every year since 2006. In that role, he has been working with the C# team in Redmond on design sessions and has helped shape the language (a little bit). Dennis is a sought-after international speaker and public figure who is always ready to teach new generations about programming. Apart from his computer-related activities, Dennis plays the guitar and sings in a classic rock cover band named “The Total Amateurs,” which says all you need to know about their skills.
Dennis lives with his wife, Diana, and they have a wonderful daughter, Emma.
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