A coordinator takes the form of a class that implements the protocols and handler methods required by the wrapped UIView component to handle events. An instance of this class is then applied to the wrapper via the makeCoordinator() method of the UIViewRepresentable protocol.
As an example, consider the UIScrollView class. This class has a feature whereby a refresh control (UIRefreshControl) may be added such that when the user attempts to scroll beyond the top of the view, a spinning progress indicator appears and a method called allowing the view to be updated with the latest content. This is a common feature used by news apps to allow the user to download the latest news headlines. Once the refresh is complete, this method needs to call the endRefreshing() method of the UIRefreshControl instance to remove the progress spinner.
Clearly, if the UIScrollView is to be used with SwiftUI, there needs to be a way for the view to be notified that the UIRefreshControl...