Orion NPM alerts
Alert functions helps to make Orion NPM a much more useful system. Orion NPM has two different types of alerts that can be configured and activated, basic alerts and advanced alerts.
A basic alert is one that e-mails an administrator if a node goes down, an interface has a high packet loss, or if a node has rebooted. An advanced alert is one that is generated when Orion NPM detects more than a defined amount of clients on an access point, or if a threshold has been exceeded for an extended amount of time, and other non-standard types. Many different types of alerts can be created and every one of them can have a variety of triggers. It all depends on what information you need to be alerted on in the event of a change.
Alert acknowledgement
Every alert is recorded in the Orion NPM database as an event and is displayed in the Alerts view on the Orion dashboard. Every alert will be listed in this view until it has been acknowledged by an administrator.

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