- AcceptCoopPartne / Studying our protocol
- affectors
- about / Particle systems
- Aircraft$$launchMissile() function / Firing bullets and missiles
- Aircraft class / Aircraft, Movement patterns
- Aircraft constructor / Displaying text
- aircraftIdentifiers variable / Peers and aircraft
- AND operator / Command execution
- animated sprites
- about / Animated sprites
- Application class
- stack, integrating / Integrating the stack in the Application class
- application programming interface (API) / Introducing SFML
- apply() function / Picking up some goodies, Fullscreen post effects
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Movement patterns
- aspect ratio
- about / Resolution and aspect ratio
- assertions
- about / Assertions
- assignKey() function / Customizing key bindings
- attenuation factor
- about / Attenuation factor and minimum distance
- Audacity software
- URL / Music themes
- audio
- about / Audio
- audio module, SFML / Introducing SFML
- bandwidth
- versus latency / Latency versus bandwidth
- vew scrolling compensation / View scrolling compensation
- bloom effect
- about / Post effects and shaders, The bloom effect
- Boolean return values
- about / Boolean return values
- bounding rectangle / Collision detection and response
- BroadcastMessage / Studying our protocol
- bullets
- firing / Firing bullets and missiles
- Button$$activate() method / Use case – GUI sounds
- Button object / Use case – GUI sounds
- C++
- about / A few notes on C++
- centerOrigin() function / Displaying text
- checkMissionEnd() / Understanding the ticks and updates
- checkProjectileLaunch() function / Firing bullets and missiles
- checkSceneCollision() function / Finding the collision pairs
- circle tree
- about / View optimizations
- client
- about / Taking a peek in the other end – the client
- packets / Client packets
- game actions transmitting, network modes used / Transmitting game actions via network nodes
- pause state / The new pause state
- settings screen / Settings
- player class / The new Player class
- Closed event / The Game class
- CMake / Downloading and installation
- collision
- detecting / Collision detection and response
- pairs, finding / Finding the collision pairs
- reacting to / Reacting to collisions
- collision() function / Finding the collision pairs
- command-based communication system
- about / A command-based communication system
- command execution / Command execution
- CommandQueue class
- about / Command queues
- command queues
- about / Command queues
- commands
- about / Introducing commands
- overview / Commands in a nutshell
- Component$$handleEvent() function / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- component-based design / Alternative entity designs
- Component class / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- concurrency / Concurrency
- container
- finding / Finding an appropriate container
- createProjectile() function / Firing bullets and missiles
- createState() method / Adding states to StateStack
- culling
- about / View optimizations
- custom protocol
- about / Custom protocols
- 3D space
- sounds / Sounds in 3D space
- 3D vectors
- position / The listener
- up / The listener
- direction / The listener
- data tables
- entity attributes, storing / Storing entity attributes in data tables
- data transport
- about / Data transport
- delta movement, mouse / Delta movement from the mouse
- delta time / Frame-independent movement
- destroy() function / Introducing hitpoints
- direction, 3D vectors / The listener
- DirectX
- about / OpenGL and graphics cards
- double buffering / Real-time rendering
- draw
- handling / Draw
- draw() function / Making scene nodes drawable, Updating the scene
- draw() method / Update and draw
- draw call
- about / View optimizations
- drawCurrent() function / Making scene nodes drawable, Drawing entities
- EmitterNode and ParticleNode
- splitting / Emitter nodes, Affectors
- emitter nodes
- about / Emitter nodes
- emitters
- about / Particle systems
- enemies
- about / Creating enemies
- movement patterns / Movement patterns
- spawning / Spawning enemies
- entities
- about / Entities
- Aircrafts / Aircraft
- designs, alternative / Alternative entity designs
- drawing / Drawing entities
- connecting, with resources / Connecting entities with resources
- equipping / Equipping the entities
- attributes, storing in data tables / Storing entity attributes in data tables
- text, displaying / Displaying text
- Entity$$draw() function / Rendering the scene
- Entity, base class / Entities
- erase() / Cleaning everything up
- error
- handling / Error handling
- events
- about / Polling events
- and real-time input / Events and real-time input – when to use which
- exceptions
- throwing / Throwing exceptions
- executionThread() / Server thread
- FIFO (first in, first out) / Command queues
- file paths
- about / File paths and working directories
- Finite State Machine (FSM) / The state stack
- fire() function / Firing bullets and missiles
- fixed time step / Fixed time steps
- fonts
- about / Fonts
- about / Game loops and frames
- frames
- about / Animated sprites
- fullscreen post effects
- about / Fullscreen post effects
- game
- developing / Developing the first game
- class / The Game class
- Game$$handlePlayerInput() / Input over several frames
- Game class
- integrating / Integrating the Game class
- run method / The run() method
- game code, texture atlases
- adapting / Adapting the game code
- GameEvent parameter / Client packets
- game logic
- implementing / Implementing the game logic
- game loop
- about / Game loops and frames
- GameServer$$executionThread() function / Server thread
- general-purpose communication mechanism
- about / A general-purpose communication mechanism
- get() method / Assertions
- getAssignedKey() function / Customizing key bindings
- getBattlefieldBounds() / Spawning enemies, Out of view, out of the world
- getCategory() function / Receiver categories
- get function / Entities
- getOrigin() / SFML and transforms
- getStatus() method / Loading and playing
- getViewBounds() / Spawning enemies
- getWorldPosition() function / Use case – In-game sound effects
- GL Shading Language (GLSL) / Shaders
- about / Shaders
- URL, for tutorial / The bloom effect
- graphics
- about / Graphics
- graphics module, SFML / Introducing SFML
- graphics processing unit (GPU) / OpenGL and graphics cards
- about / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- guide function / Adding projectiles
- guideTowards() function / Homing missiles
- handleEvent() function / Main menu, Pausing the game, The GUI hierarchy, the Java way, The promised key bindings
- handleEvent() method / Input
- handlePacket() function / Taking a peek in the other end – the client
- handlePlayerInput() function / Input over several frames, Getting the input state in real time
- hitpoints
- about / Introducing hitpoints
- hot seat / Hot Seat
- identifier parameter / Generalizing the approach
- image
- about / Images
- initializePickupData() function / Picking up some goodies
- InitialState / Studying our protocol
- input
- handling / Input
- input state
- obtaining, in real time / Getting the input state in real time
- IP
- about / TCP
- isButtonPressed() function / Getting the input state in real time
- isDestroyed() function / Cleaning everything up
- isGuided() function / Homing missiles
- isKeyPressed() function / Getting the input state in real time
- isMarkedForRemoval() function / Cleaning everything up
- isSelectable() function / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- isSupported() function / Fullscreen post effects
- iterator class / An outlook on optimizations
- joystick events, SFML
- sf**Event**JoystickButtonPressed / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickButtonReleased / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickMoved event / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickDisconnected / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickConnected / Joystick events
- key bindings
- customizing / Customizing key bindings
- about / The promised key bindings
- keyboard events, SFML
- sf**Event**KeyPressed / Keyboard events
- sf**Event**KeyReleased / Keyboard events
- sf**Event**TextEntered / Keyboard events
- lambda expression / Node insertion and removal
- Landscape
- rendering / Landscape rendering
- SpriteNode / SpriteNode
- texture / Landscape texture
- texture, repeating / Texture repeating
- latency
- about / Latency
- versus bandwidth / Latency versus bandwidth
- Aircraft interpolation / Aircraft interpolation
- LaunchMissile / Firing bullets and missiles
- launchMissile() function / Firing bullets and missiles
- layer / Scene layers
- listener
- about / The listener
- 3D vectors / The listener
- positioning / Positioning the listener
- load() function / A special case – sf::Shader
- load() method / Generalizing the approach
- loadFromFile() call / A special case – sf::Shader
- loadFromStream() / Resources in SFML
- LoadingState$$update() / Task implementation
- LoadingState class / The loading screen – sample
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- about / Playing multiplayer games
- low-level rendering
- about / Low-level rendering
- main() function / The Game class, The run() method
- main loop
- about / Game loops and frames
- menu
- updating / Updating the menu
- mFilenames variable / Music themes
- minimum distance
- about / Attenuation factor and minimum distance
- missiles
- firing / Firing bullets and missiles
- MissionSuccess / Studying our protocol
- mLoadingText function / Progress bar
- modulo operator / Movement patterns
- mOptionIndex integer variable / Main menu
- mouse
- delta movement / Delta movement from the mouse
- mouse events, SFML
- sf**Event**MouseEntered / Mouse events
- sf**Event**MouseLeft / Mouse events
- move() function / Input over several frames
- movement / Vector algebra
- movement patterns
- about / Movement patterns
- mSelectedChild variable / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- multiplayer games
- playing / Playing multiplayer games
- structure, creating / Creating the structure for multiplayer
- music
- about / Music
- MusicPlayer$$play() method / Loading and playing
- music themes
- about / Music themes
- playing / Loading and playing
- loading / Loading and playing
- network, architecture
- about / Network architectures
- peer-to-peer / Peer-to-peer
- client-server architecture / Client-server architecture
- authoritative servers / Authoritative servers
- network module, SFML / Introducing SFML
- network port
- about / TCP
- new operator / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- notifyGameAction() method / Transmitting game actions via network nodes
- nullptr / Scene nodes
- Open Audio Library (OpenAL)
- about / Sounds in 3D space
- openFromFile() method / Compatibility with sf::Music
- OpenGL
- about / OpenGL and graphics cards
- URL / Shaders
- open type fonts (OTF) / Fonts
- overload function / Getting the input state in real time
- packet
- about / Data transport
- packets / Incoming packets
- ParallelTask. LoadingState / The loading screen – sample
- ParallelTask class / The loading screen – sample
- ParallelTask object / ParallelTask
- particle nodes
- about / Particle nodes
- particles
- about / Particle systems, Particles and particle types
- rendering, on screen / Particle nodes
- embedding / Embedding particles in the world
- particle system
- about / Particle systems
- particle types
- about / Particles and particle types
- pause() method / Loading and playing
- pause state / The new pause state
- PauseState class / Pausing the game
- PauseState constructor / Use case – In-game themes
- PauseState destructor / Use case – In-game themes
- play() function / Playing spatial sounds
- Player**isRealtimeAction() function / Customizing key bindings
- Player class
- about / Why a player is not an entity
- PlayerConnect / Studying our protocol
- PlayerEven / Studying our protocol
- PlayerEvent parameter / Client packets
- player input
- handling / Handling player input
- PlayerRealtimeChange / Studying our protocol
- PlayerRealtimeChange parameter / Client packets
- playLocalSound() method / Use case – In-game sound effects
- pollEvent() function / Polling events
- pop operations
- delayed / Delayed pop/push operations
- popState() function / Delayed pop/push operations
- position, 3D vectors / The listener
- PositionUpdate parameter / Client packets
- PostEffect**applyShader() function / Fullscreen post effects
- post rendering
- about / Post effects and shaders
- prepareTextures() function / The bloom effect
- primitive type
- about / Vertex arrays
- processEvents() function / The Game class
- processEvents() method / Fixed time steps
- projectiles
- adding / Adding projectiles
- push operations
- delayed / Delayed pop/push operations
- pushState() function / Delayed pop/push operations
- quad tree
- about / View optimizations
- Quadtrees / An outlook on optimizations
- quit parameter / Client packets
- about / An automated approach
- real-time rendering
- about / Real-time rendering
- receiver categories / Receiver categories
- relative position / Relative coordinates
- removeStoppedSounds() method / Removing sounds
- render() function / The Game class, Adapting the code
- render() method / The Game class, Fixed time steps
- render target
- about / Understanding render targets
- render texture
- about / Understanding render targets
- render window
- about / Understanding render targets
- RequestCoopPartner parameter / Client packets
- requestStackClear() / Delayed pop/push operations
- requestStackPop() / Delayed pop/push operations
- requestStackPush() / Delayed pop/push operations
- resolution
- about / Resolution and aspect ratio
- ResourceHolder / Generalizing the approach
- ResourceHolder$$load() function / A special case – sf::Shader
- ResourceHolder class template / A special case – sf::Shader
- resource parameter / Generalizing the approach
- resources
- defining / Defining resources
- in SFML / Resources in SFML
- acquiring / Acquiring, releasing, and accessing resources
- releasing / Acquiring, releasing, and accessing resources
- accessing / Acquiring, releasing, and accessing resources
- rotation / SFML and transforms
- round-trip time / Latency
- run() function / The Game class, Game loops and frames
- -s postfix / Downloading and installation
- sample, loading screen
- about / The loading screen – sample
- progress bar / Progress bar
- ParallelTask / ParallelTask
- thread / Thread
- concurrency / Concurrency
- task, implementing / Task implementation
- scale / SFML and transforms
- scene
- rendering / Rendering the scene
- origin, aligning / Aligning the origin
- layers / Scene layers
- updating / Updating the scene
- scene graph
- about / Scene graphs
- SceneNode
- TopicnSceneNodeisDestroyed() function / Cleaning everything up
- SceneNode**onCommand() function / Command execution
- SceneNode class / One step back – absolute transforms, Receiver categories
- scene nodes
- about / Scene graphs, Scene nodes
- inserting / Node insertion and removal
- removing / Node insertion and removal
- making drawable / Making scene nodes drawable
- selectNext() function / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- selectPrevious() function / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- Separating Axis Theorem / Collision detection and response
- server
- about / Working with the Server
- thread / Server thread
- loop / Server loop
- peers and artifacts / Peers and aircraft
- hot seat / Hot Seat
- new clients, accepting / Accepting new clients
- disconnections, handling / Handling disconnections
- packets, incoming / Incoming packets
- protocol / Studying our protocol
- ticks and updates / Understanding the ticks and updates
- synchronization, issues / Synchronization issues
- server packet
- BroadcastMessage / Studying our protocol
- SpawnSelf / Studying our protocol
- InitialState / Studying our protocol
- PlayerEven / Studying our protocol
- PlayerRealtimeChange / Studying our protocol
- PlayerConnect / Studying our protocol
- PlayerDisconnect / Studying our protocol
- AcceptCoopPartne / Studying our protocol
- SpawnEnemy / Studying our protocol
- SpawnPickup / Studying our protocol
- UpdateClientState / Studying our protocol
- MissionSuccess / Studying our protocol
- setAttenuation() method / Attenuation factor and minimum distance
- setBuffer() method / Loading, inserting, and playing
- setCompletion() method / Progress bar
- setDirection() method / The listener
- set function / Entities
- setMinDistance() method / Attenuation factor and minimum distance
- setOrigin() / SFML and transforms
- setPosition() method / The listener
- SettingsState class / The promised key bindings
- setVelocity() method / Entities
- sf$$Event$$Closed event / A minimal example
- sf$$Event object / Input over several frames
- sf$$Font class / Fonts
- sf$$Music class / Music, Loading and playing
- compatibility with / Compatibility with sf::Music
- sf$$Mutex and sf$$Lock / Concurrency
- sf$$Mutex object / Task implementation
- sf$$RenderWindow$$display() function / Real-time rendering
- sf$$RenderWindow$$draw() method / The Game class
- sf$$RenderWindow$$setVerticalSyncEnabled() methd / Other techniques related to frame rates
- sf$$Shader class / A special case – sf::Shader
- sf$$sleep() function / Other techniques related to frame rates
- sf$$SocketSelector class / Socket selectors
- sf$$Sound constructor / Loading, inserting, and playing
- sf$$Sound object / Sound buffers
- sf$$Sprite class / Textures, SpriteNode
- sf$$TcpListener$$accept() function / Accepting new clients
- sf$$TcpSocket$$receive() function / Incoming packets
- sf$$Texture$$loadFromFile() method / Error handling
- sf$$Texture$$loadFromX() function / Images
- sf$$Texture$$setRepeated(bool) function / Texture repeating
- sf$$Texture class / Displaying sprites on the screen
- sf$$Thread$$launch() / Thread
- sf$$UdpSocket$$bind() function / UDP
- sf**Event**Closed event / Window events
- sf**Event**GainedFocus event / Window events, Playing nice with your application neighborhood
- sf**Event**JoystickButtonEvent data structure / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickButtonPressed event / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickButtonReleased event / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickConnected event / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickConnectEvent data type / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickDisconnected event / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickMoved event / Joystick events
- sf**Event**JoystickMoveEvent data structure / Joystick events
- sf**Event**KeyEvent data structure / Keyboard events
- sf**Event**KeyEvent data type / Keyboard events
- sf**Event**KeyPressed event / Keyboard events
- sf**Event**KeyReleased event / Keyboard events
- sf**Event**LostFocus event / Window events, Playing nice with your application neighborhood
- sf**Event**MouseButtonEvent structure / Mouse events
- sf**Event**MouseButtonPressed type / Mouse events
- sf**Event**MouseButtonReleased type / Mouse events
- sf**Event**MouseEntered event / Mouse events
- sf**Event**MouseLeft event / Mouse events
- sf**Event**MouseMoved data type / Mouse events
- sf**Event**Resized event / Window events
- sf**Event**SizeEvent data type / Window events
- sf**Event**TextEntered event / Keyboard events
- sf**Event**TextEvent data structure / Keyboard events
- sf**Event**type member variable / Polling events
- sf**Event variable / Polling events
- sf**Joystick class / Getting the input state in real time
- sf**Keyboard class / Getting the input state in real time
- sf**Mouse class / Getting the input state in real time, Delta movement from the mouse
- sf**MouseMoveEvent data structure / Mouse events
- sf**RenderWindow class / Polling events
- sf**Shape class / Low-level rendering
- sf**Sprite class / Defining texture atlases, Low-level rendering
- sf**Text class / Low-level rendering
- sf**Window**pollEvent() function / Polling events
- sf**Window class / Polling events
- about / Introducing SFML, Polling events
- system module / Introducing SFML
- window module / Introducing SFML
- graphics module / Introducing SFML
- audio module / Introducing SFML
- network module / Introducing SFML
- URL / Introducing SFML
- pre-built libraries, downloading / Downloading and installation
- minimal example / A minimal example
- events / Input over several frames
- API documentation, URL / Summary
- and transforms / SFML and transforms
- window events / Window events
- joystick events / Joystick events
- keyboard events / Keyboard events
- mouse events / Mouse events
- input state, obtaining in real time / Getting the input state in real time
- SFML resources
- about / Resources in SFML
- textures / Textures
- images / Images
- fonts / Fonts
- shaders / Shaders
- sound buffers / Sound buffers
- music / Music
- shader
- about / Shaders
- shaders
- about / Shaders
- sockets
- about / Interacting with sockets
- selectors / Socket selectors
- SoundBufferHolder$$load() function / Loading, inserting, and playing
- sound buffers
- about / Sound buffers
- SoundEffect$$ID enumerator / Loading, inserting, and playing
- sound effects
- about / Sound effects
- class, implementing / Sound effects
- loading / Loading, inserting, and playing
- playing / Loading, inserting, and playing
- inserting / Loading, inserting, and playing
- removing / Removing sounds
- GUI sounds, use case / Use case – GUI sounds
- SoundNode$$playSound() function / Use case – In-game sound effects
- SoundPlayer object / Use case – GUI sounds
- spatializing
- about / Sounds in 3D space
- spatial sounds
- playing / Playing spatial sounds
- spawnEnemies() function / Understanding the ticks and updates
- SpawnEnemy / Studying our protocol
- SpawnPickup / Studying our protocol
- spawnPickups() function / Understanding the ticks and updates
- SpawnSelf / Studying our protocol
- SpriteNode / SpriteNode
- sprites
- displaying, on screen / Displaying sprites on the screen
- sprite sheet
- about / Defining texture atlases
- stack
- integrating, in Application class / Integrating the stack in the Application class
- state
- defining / Defining a state
- context / The state context
- navigating between / Navigating between states
- game state, creating / Creating the game state
- title screen / The title screen
- main menu / Main menu
- game, pausing / Pausing the game
- State$$Context class / Use case – In-game themes
- State$$Context structure / Use case – GUI sounds
- state stack
- about / The state stack
- states, adding to / Adding states to StateStack
- input, handling / Input
- update, handling / Update
- draw, handling / Draw
- StateStack$$registerState() / Adding states to StateStack
- StateStack class / The state stack, Adding states to StateStack
- states, adding to / Adding states to StateStack
- std$$array function / Composing our world
- std$$bind() call / Use case – In-game sound effects
- std$$function / Adding states to StateStack
- std$$function class / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- std$$list$$remove_if() method / Removing sounds
- std$$make_shared() function / The GUI hierarchy, the Java way
- std**bind() function / Introducing commands
- std**function class / Introducing commands
- stop() method / Loading and playing
- strongly typed enumerations
- about / Finding an appropriate container
- system module, SFML / Introducing SFML
- about / TCP
- features / TCP
- Texel
- about / Texture mapping
- texture atlas
- about / Defining texture atlases
- defining / Defining texture atlases
- game code, adapting / Adapting the game code
- TextureHolder class / Connecting entities with resources
- texture mapping
- about / Texture mapping
- texture rectangle
- about / Defining texture atlases
- textures
- about / Textures
- accessing / Accessing the textures
- thread / Thread
- tick rate / Server loop
- tile set
- about / Defining texture atlases
- timedOut variable / Peers and aircraft
- timeout / Handling disconnections
- TimePerFrame / Fixed time steps
- time step / Frame-independent movement
- title screen / The title screen
- toString() function / Displaying text
- transform / SFML and transforms
- transforms
- about / One step back – absolute transforms
- translation / SFML and transforms
- true type fonts (TTF) / Fonts
- typedef / Vector algebra
- type inference / Accessing the textures
- about / UDP
- unique pointers / Finding an appropriate container
- unitVector() function / Homing missiles
- up, 3D vectors / The listener
- update
- handling / Update
- update() function / The Game class, Input over several frames, Frame-independent movement, Pausing the game, Firing bullets and missiles, Cleaning everything up, Taking a peek in the other end – the client
- update() method / Fixed time steps, Update and draw
- UpdateClientState / Studying our protocol
- updateCurrent() function / Homing missiles
- updateLabels() function / The promised key bindings
- updateLogic() function / Server loop
- use case
- in-game themes / Use case – In-game themes
- in-game sound effects / Use case – In-game sound effects
- user tabs
- interacting, with other applications / Playing nice with your application neighborhood
- V-Sync / Other techniques related to frame rates
- vector algebra
- about / Vector algebra
- vectors
- about / Vector algebra
- vertex
- about / Texture mapping
- vertex array
- about / Vertex arrays
- video memory
- about / OpenGL and graphics cards
- view
- about / The view
- Viewport / Viewport
- optimizing / View optimizations
- scrolling / View scrolling
- zooming / Zoom and rotation
- rotating / Zoom and rotation
- Viewport / Viewport
- visual effects
- about / Particle systems
- waitEvent() function / Polling events
- window class / Making scene nodes drawable
- window events, SFML
- sf**Event**Closed / Window events
- sf**Event**Resized / Window events
- sf**Event**LostFocus / Window events
- sf**Event**GainedFocus / Window events
- window module, SFML / Introducing SFML
- world
- composing / Composing our world
- initialization / World initialization
- textures, loading / Loading the textures
- scene, building / Building the scene
- draw() method / Update and draw
- update() method / Update and draw
- World$$update() function / The final update
- World class / Spawning enemies