What an exciting chapter! Programming in Scratch is easy; it's telling a story that's hard. Let's take a breath and recapitulate what we've learned.
In this chapter, we focused on telling a story, and everything we did added context to the story, including the way we animated our sprites with costumes. Not only do we need to think about how each scene unfolded, but we also need to provide navigation from one scene to the next.
Our sprites spoke for the first time in this chapter using speech bubbles. We learned how to apply the different types of say blocks to affect how our sprites spoke.
We enhanced our scripts with sound effects, including drums and musical instruments. We explored tempo and musical notes as ways to modify a sound. We also saw how easy it was to import our own sounds and use them with the project.
In our dog scene, the sprite moved around the screen, so we learned how to set the position of the dog using the X and Y coordinates.
We wrapped up all this activity with...