Sharing reports and dashboards
Sometimes, it is necessary to share reports with your team members. Let's take an example where the system administrator created one report and wants to share it with the sales director. You can share reports with your colleagues using the following methods:
Folder sharing
Schedule reports
Schedule dashboards
Folder sharing
If you want to share reports with Salesforce users, then you can use the folder share method. Reports are shared by sharing the folder of the reports in which they are located. Sharing can be done among following:
Public groups
Role and internal subordinates
Roles, internal, and portal subordinates
Whenever you create any report folder, Salesforce automatically makes you the manager of this folder and other users with administrative permissions can see it. You can decide which public groups, roles, and roles and its subordinates can access this reports folder.
Enabling enhanced sharing for reports and dashboards
If you want to share the report...