The system team
The system team is the team on the ART that is responsible for the tooling and automation of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline. They work with the other teams on the ART to help in delivering valuable solutions.
The system team may follow one of several DevOps topologies. The system team may be set up as a DevOps team with an expiration date. They will set up the Continuous Delivery Pipeline and instruct the Dev and Ops personnel on its use before disbanding. Another model for the system team may be being set up as a DevOps advocacy team.
As custodians of the automation and development process, they have deep responsibilities to the other teams on the ART. These responsibilities are described as follows.
Building infrastructure for solution development
The system team will often be responsible for setting up the pre-build, continuous integration, and continuous deployment portions of the CI/CD pipeline and integrating the technology so it’s a seamless...