Redis has an official Ruby client, redis-rb, and this is the client used in this section.
Installing it:
$ gem install redis
In this section, the Ruby code has comments that represent the result of the previous expression. It is recommended to run all of the code from this section in the interactive Ruby interpreter (irb in the command line).
The basic commands in Ruby
The interface of redis-rb is very close to how you interact with Redis through redis-cli:
require 'redis' @redis = => "", :port => 6379) @redis.set "string:my_key", "Hello World" @redis.get "string:my_key" # => "Hello World" @redis.incr "string:counter" @redis.mget ["string:my_key", "string:counter"] # => ["Hello World", "1"] @redis.rpush "list:my_list", ["item1", "item2"] @redis.lpop "list:my_list" # => "item1" @redis.hset...