Creating React Elements with JavaScript
We'll start by familiarizing ourselves with a fundamental React terminology. It will help us build a clear picture of what the React library is made of. This terminology will most likely update over time, so keep an eye on the official documentation at
Just like the DOM is a tree of nodes, React's virtual DOM is a tree of React nodes. One of the core types in React is called ReactNode
. It's a building block for a virtual DOM, and it can be any one of these core types:
: This is the primary type in React. It's a light, stateless, immutable, virtual representation of a DOMElement
: This is a string or a number. It represents textual content and it's a virtual representation of a Text Node in the DOM.
s and ReactText
s are ReactNode
s. An array of ReactNode
s is called a ReactFragment
. You will see examples of all of these in this chapter.