In this chapter, we discussed the practical considerations of QAOA while fine-tuning the parameters further to get the lowest cost. This allows us to use not only the quantum annealer to solve optimization problems, but also gate-based quantum annealers. Then, we used various BQM matrices to evaluate the performance and limitations of the devices available in Amazon Braket. We looked at various considerations when deciding which solver to use and summarized the capabilities and limitations of the various devices available in Amazon Braket. The goal of this chapter was not to benchmark the devices, but to show how each system can be used and some of the nuances you should consider. I encourage you to create inputs and try to experiment with the different devices or make some code modifications if needed to try out new methods or devices that may have been added to Amazon Braket. With this, we have also ended Section 2, Building Blocks for Real World Use Cases of this book.