Embedding the prezi
Our first task in this exciting project is to embed our prezi in a webpage. So, first we need an empty webpage.
Prepare for lift off
Open your favorite HTML editor and open a new empty HTML page. Make sure you are working in the code view.
If you use a simple text editor, you can type the following code:
<html> <head> <title>The world of bees</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>
Save your file as world-of-bees.html
Adobe Dreamweaver (and most other HTML editors) add additional code to your page as you can see in the next screenshot. The previous code gives you a better HTML page, but it's not necessary for the page to work.

In the following information box, you can find some extra information about HTML and CSS:
HTML is the abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language and is the main language used to create webpages. HTML elements consist of tags and mostly come in pairs such as <h1></h1>
or <body></body...