Let's draw!
Grab a piece of paper and marker and begin!
Prepare for lift off
We'll try to keep this part as simple as possible. We'll use plain white A4 paper and simple color markers. You could use fancy, expensive markers, but the markers used by kids work just fine.
Engage thrusters
The main idea for our story is to give five ideas to turn a negative, dark day into a positive, bright day.
We'll start by sketching very simple drawings. On the paper, put everything that pops up in your mind. If you wish to use a few words in your drawing, you can do so. However, try to draw as much as possible. Also, use as many pages as you need.
The following diagram is what our sketch looks like:

While sketching, we created our story. When we started, we didn't know what ideas we would generate and we didn't know we would end up with five ideas. While sketching, five ideas seemed a logical number. The only thing we knew before was that we wanted to turn something negative into something positive.
Now that we...