The hardware for IR and Jump Bag
Certainly, a set of equipment that may be required during the processing of the incident should be prepared in advance, and this matter should be given much attention. This set is called the Jump Bag.
The formation of such a kit is largely due to the budget the organization could afford. Nevertheless, there is a certain necessary minimum, which will allow the team to handle incidents in small quantities.
If the budget allows it, it is possible to buy a turnkey solution, which includes all the necessary equipment and the case for its transportation. As an instance of such a solution, FREDL + Ultra Kit could be recommended. FREDL is short for Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device Laptop. With Ultra Kit, this solution will cost about 5000 USD.
Ultra Kit contains a set of write-blockers and a set of adapters and connecters to obtain images of hard drives with a different interface:

More details can be found on the manufacturer's website at https://www...