I think spending a few words about diversity in video games is important. Historically, video games and the games industry, in general, have had a problem with the lack of diversity. With few exceptions, most of the main characters are white males. When they are women, they are too often sexualized (Lara Croft is a great character, but we all remember her physique in the first batch of Tomb Raider games).
When they are homosexual, they are stereotyped, as their sexuality has nothing to do with defining what they do and how they act. When they are of a different ethnicity, it seems they’re there as tokens, present just to say, hey, this game has a non-white/Caucasian character!
This issue finds its origin in two facts – the assumption that gamers, our audience, are mostly males, and the lack of diversity among video game developers.
To quickly address the first fact, in this day and age, this is simply a wrong assumption (historically, when video games...