Getting started with D3.js
First, download the latest version of D3 from the official website
Or, to link directly to the latest release, copy this snippet:
<script src=""></script>
In the basic examples, we can just open our HTML document in a web browser to view it. But when we need to load external data sources, we need to publish the folder on a web server such as Apache, nginx, or IIS. Python provides us with an easy way to run a web server with http.server
; we just need to open the folder where our D3 files are present and execute the following command in the terminal.
$ python3 –m http.server 8000
In Windows, you can use the same command by removing the number 3 from python.
> python –m http.server 8000

The following examples are based on Mike Bostock's reference gallery, which can be found at
All the codes and datasets of this chapter can be found in the author's GitHub repository...