Table lock waits
Clients waiting to acquire a lock on an entire table is something you should aim to avoid. The following will show you when this is happening:
SELECT AS locked_pid, AS locker_pid, locked_act.usename AS locked_user, locker_act.usename AS locker_user, locked.virtualtransaction, locked.transactionid, relname FROM pg_locks locked LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_class ON (locked.relation = pg_class.oid), pg_locks locker, pg_stat_activity locked_act, pg_stat_activity locker_act WHERE locker.granted=true AND locked.granted=false AND AND AND locked.relation=locker.relation;
Output from this query looks similar to the previous transaction id examples:
locked_pid | 12474 locker_pid | 12247 locked_user | postgres locker_user | postgres virtualtransaction | 2/2588881 transactionid | relname | pgbench_accounts
You really shouldn...