Enabling intra unit inlining
In conventional programming terminology, the program body of an inline program is stored along with the program unit which references it. In context of Oracle subprograms, the term inlining a subprogram refers to the replacing of a subprogram call with the copy of an actual subprogram body itself. At major occasions, this activity cohesively demonstrates better performance and thus, reaps out better benefits along with modularity and call optimization.
Usually, when a program is executed, the PL/SQL engine searches for the program definition in the available objects' lists. It then validates the program, executes the body, and maintains the result in the stack frame. Later it substitutes the results in the calling program unit and proceeds for further execution. When an inline program is called from a program unit, the PL/SQL engine replaces the call statement with the copy of the program body. The copied program body works faster than the program call execution...