You have learned which skills you need in order to build an enterprise ADF application. Talking to your colleagues in the development department of DMC Solutions, you found that most of the skills were available, but you also had to find external resources to fill a few of the roles in the development team for the XDM project.
Talking to the system administrators in DMC Solutions, you found that there was already a Git repository available that you could use for your project, but you also had to install a couple of additional tools for issue tracking and collaboration on your development server.
On the project Wiki, you have described how your team should use application workspaces to build the application in a modular fashion, and you have documented the naming conventions that should be used by everyone on the project.
The next task is to get the development team together for the official kickoff and tell everybody how to use the tools so that you can build the XDM solution in the...