Financial dimensions in query reports
As inventory dimensions influence trade and logistics reports, so do financial dimensions influence financial reports. In this recipe, we will see extensively how financial dimensions can be used in the design of a report, in the report dialog, and more. There are two recipes discussed here: one using financial dimensions in a simple query report and the other in an RDP report.
The following recipe will discuss how to use dimensions in a simple query-based report.
How to do it…
Create a new query and add the LedgerJournalTrans table to it. Set the Dynamic field property to Yes.
In Visual Studio, create a new project. Create a new report and add a dataset.
In the Query properties, click the browse button to open the query list. Select the query that was created and check these fields: journalNum, Txt, LedgerDimension_String.
Expand the AXDimensions node. This shows all the applicable dimensions for this query. Select CostCenter and Department and click OK.