You are now an expert at opening graphics windows and have new-found skills at plotting pixels in that window using Cartesian coordinates. This skill is the essential underpinning of everything that gets drawn on a computer screen; it’s through the understanding of mathematics that you will gain throughout this book that you will be able to expand that single pixel into a world of complex 3D structures, colors, and animations. Some of these basic graphics primitives will be explored in the following chapter.
Exercise A:
import pygame
screen_width = 900
screen_height = 500
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))
done = False
white = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
def draw_star(x, y, size):
pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, (x, y, size, size))
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
draw_star (121, 320, 15)
draw_star (327, 324, 15)
draw_star (691, 431, 20)
draw_star (697, 317, 10)
draw_star (626, 246, 30)
draw_star (343, 212, 10)
draw_star (653, 165, 10)
draw_star (773, 102, 10)
draw_star (822, 153, 10)