Recording metrics
Metrics are a way to record information. It allows the analysis and improvement of a process by measuring statistics, based upon particular defined criteria. Most often, these are time based. One of the most common metrics is how long it takes to complete a task-from when the record was created to the moment the Active flag became false
. The duration can then be averaged out and compared over time, helping answer questions such as "Are we getting quicker at completing tasks?"
Metrics provide a great alternative to creating lots of extra fields and Business Rules on a table. Of course, these can do calculations too, but what's the point in creating lots of code and fields that clutter up the table when you have a pre-built system to help?
Other metrics are more complex and may involve getting more than one result per task:
How long does each assignment group take to deal with the ticket?
How long does an SLA get paused for?
How many times does the incident get reassigned?