- What are the main mechanisms for scoring vulnerabilities, taking into account a set of standardized and easy-to-measure criteria?
Common Vulnerabilities Scoring System (CVSS)
- Which package and class did we use to interact with Nessus from Python?
from nessrest import ness6rest
- Which method in the nessrest module launches a scan in a specific target?
scan = ness6rest.Scanner(url="https://nessusscanner:8834", login="username", password="password")
- Which method in the nessrest module gets the details of a scan in a specific target?
The scan_details(self, name) method fetches the details of the requested scan.
- What is the main class for connecting from Python with the nexpose server?
To connect to Python with the nexpose server, we use the NeXposeServer class, which is inside...