Writing your first template using AWS CDK and Python
We will begin by installing the prerequisites for CDK. Even though we are going to write our code in Python, we still need to install Node.js. Once this is done, we can install CDK:
$ npm install -g aws-cdk
After this, we need to check whether everything is correct by printing out the version of CDK that’s been installed:
$ cdk --version
Then, we need to initialize the environment and CDK Python library:
$ mkdir app && cd app$ cdk init app --language=python $ source .env/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt
The cdk init
phrase will create all the files, so we can start developing our infrastructure right away.
Preparing constructs
We will build the same infrastructure that we built in Chapter 2, Advanced Template Development. Our infrastructure will consist of the following stacks:
- Core (network, security, and so on)
- Web tier
- Storage tier
We will start by building...