As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
ActionScript 358
ActionScript 2.0 358
ActionScript 3.0 335, 358
document, creating 31-33, 49, 66
documents, publishing 130-132
ActionScript code
writing 362-368
ActionScript Programming Language 4, 358, 359
Adobe Animate 4
history 4-6
usage 6, 7
Adobe Animate, document types and platforms
Custom Platforms, opening up 11, 12
Flash Platform Runtimes, considering 9, 10
Native Web, branching out 10, 11
selecting 7-9
Adobe Animate, features
Envelope Deformers 13
exploring 12
Flexi bones 13
Hands-on Tutorial Creator 374-376
Rig Edit mode 14
Warped Bitmaps, in Library Panel 14, 15
Warped Shapes, in Library Panel 14, 15
Adobe Animate, timeline and symbols
layers, converting to symbols 74
Adobe Audition 149
Adobe Creative...