Streaming analytics is one of the new hot topics in data science. It proposes an alternative framework to the more standard batch processing, in which we are no longer dealing with datasets on a fixed time of treatment, but rather we are handling every individual data point directly upon reception.
This new paradigm has important consequences for data engineering, as it requires much more robust and, particularly, much faster data ingestion pipelines. It also imposes a big change in data analytics and machine learning.
Until recently, machine learning and data analytics methods and algorithms were mainly designed to work on entire datasets. Now that streaming has become a hot topic, it becomes more and more common to see use cases in which entire datasets just do not exist anymore. When a continuous stream of data is being ingested into a data storage source, there is no natural moment to relaunch an analytics batch job.
Streaming analytics and streaming machine learning models are models that are designed to work specifically with streaming data sources. A part of the solution, for example, is in the updating. Streaming analytics and machine learning need to update all the time as new data is being received. When updating, you may also want to forget the much older data.
This and other problems that are introduced by moving from batch analytics to streaming analytics need a different approach to analytics and machine learning. This book will lay out the basis for getting you started with data analytics and machine learning on data that is received as a continuous stream.
In this first chapter, you'll get a more solid understanding of the differences between streaming and batch data. You'll see some example use cases that showcase the importance of working with streaming rather than converting back into batch. You'll also start working with a first Python example to get a feel for the type of work that you'll be doing throughout this book.
In later chapters, you'll see some more background notions on architecture and, then, you'll go into a number of data science and analytics use cases and how they can be adapted to the new streaming paradigm.
In this chapter, you will discover the following topics:
- A short history of data science
- Working with streaming data
- Real-time data formats and importing an example dataset in Python