Correcting the color
The expression "color correction" has a fair number of different meanings. However, generally speaking, we can say that it is a means to repair problems with the color, and we do that by changing the color of a pixel to another color or by tweaking other settings. In Lumion, this means that we can use color correction to either achieve a certain look or to enhance the overall aspect and mood of an image or a movie. Let's see how we can use this effect in Lumion and look at a few tips to help us not only to correct the color, but also perform some color grading.
Getting ready
In case you want to test this effect and play with it before using it in your scene, open the Villa scene found in the Examples tab. It will be good if you have the Movie or Photo mode already open.
How to do it…
To color correct your image or video, perform the following steps:
Click on the New effect button and open the Style tab.
In the Style tab, select the Color correction effect and the following...