In this chapter we took our first step into the world of publishing Flash games—we uploaded our game to the Stencyl Arcade so anyone with Internet access can play it. We then learned about the possibilities of earning some money through in-game advertising, which led us to implement MochiAds into our game. And we discovered that implementing advertising is a very straightforward process requiring just a single instruction block from the Stencyl palette.
We then examined some of the different sponsorship models that enable us to license our work, and how revenue can be maximized by choosing the correct type of sponsorship.
Finally, we took a quick look at the additional monetization opportunities available to developers of mobile games.
We have completed our game, published it, and perhaps earned some money from advertising or sponsorship! It is now a great time to widen our horizons from the development of web games, and consider how we can get a game up and running on some mobile devices...