Performance issues
We will focus on two common types of performance issues we face with Cypher. They are as follows:
A long and complex query is executed too slow. The query can be a complex read-write query or a read-only query with aggregation, complex computations, and sorting.
A small query is repeated many times, for example, in a loop cycle. The query itself does not underperform, but repeating it many times causes the whole operation to take a long time to finish.
Now, suppose that we have a huge database with a lot of nodes; for example, a database for a social network. In fact, if we are experiencing performance problems with small databases, we probably need to check the hardware, or the operating system, or the configuration of Neo4j because it's unusual to experience a very slow query with small datasets. In this chapter, we will see some configuration options of Neo4j that are useful when tuning the performance of the database.
To simulate performance issues, the example used in...