Creating a data report
So far, in this chapter, you performed an analysis of the most suitable parcels for a new residential building in the Brussels Capital region. In this section, we will create an analysis report for the local developer who wants to examine the analysis results and take the best decision for his construction project.
A report allows you to organize, format, print, and present the tabular data. In a report, you can make the following customizations:
Select the attribute fields that will be displayed
Display all records or the subsets of records in a table
Sort the records based on their values (for example, sort the parcels by their area value)
Calculate summary statistics (for example, average and standard deviation)
Include logo, images, or page numbers
Set the tabular format (for example, a classic columnar format)
When you finish organizing and formatting the report, you can save it as a Report Layout File (*rlf
). This format will allow you to edit and update the report in...