Wiring an analog accelerometer to the analog input pins
The easiest way to understand how an accelerometer works is to use it in a simple example. Now, we will work with an analog 3-axis accelerometer with a full sensing range from -3g to +3g. This kind of accelerometer requires three analog input pins, one for each measured axes. The accelerometer supplies voltage levels based on the measured acceleration for each axes.
We will use the three analog pins labeled A0, A1 and A2 to connect the positive voltage outputs of an analog accelerometer breakout board. After we finish the necessary wirings, we will write Python code to measure and display the acceleration for the three axis: x, y and z. This way, we will read the result of converting an analog value to its digital representation and we will map it to the acceleration value.
We need a SparkFun triple axis accelerometer breakout ADXL335 to work with this example. The following URL provides detailed information about this breakout board...