Implement multiple landing pages
Before we finish, there is one last trick to discuss and that is a technique used by many, if not all, of the bigger websites—running multiple landing pages in parallel. This is an efficient way to use the traffic you generate to perform market research and gather intelligence.
The following steps show you how it works:
1. Provide a range of different landing pages for the same offering.
2. Drive traffic to those pages using content and marketing (as outlined in this book).
3. Analyze the traffic patterns and usage of those pages.
4. Measure their effectiveness in converting traffic.
5. Drop poor performing pages and keep ones that perform well.
6. Create additional landing pages based on the best features of the previous generation.
7. Repeat the process.
Using this technique is a very efficient way to drive up the conversion rates of your landing pages. You might find that after a few generations of improved landing pages, you are converting at many times the original...