If you do much beyond building searches and dashboards, sooner or later you will need to edit files in the filesystem directly. All apps live in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/. On UNIX systems, the default installation directory is /opt/splunk. On Windows, the default installation directory is C:\Program Files\Splunk.
This is the value that $SPLUNK_HOME will inherit on startup.
Stepping through the most common directories, we have:
- appserver: This directory contains files that are served by the Splunk web app. The files that we uploaded in earlier sections of this chapter are stored in appserver/static.
- bin: This is where command scripts belong. These scripts are then referenced in commands.conf. This is also a common location for scripted inputs to live, though they can live anywhere, although best practice it to keep all scripts contained in the bin folder.
- default...