- acceptance test / Acceptance tests
- advanced C#, problems
- about / Problems
- LINQ style / 38. Directory size, LINQ style
- directory size / 38. Directory size, LINQ style, 39. Directory size, PLINQ style
- PLINQ style / 39. Directory size, PLINQ style
- DirectoryInfo class / 40. Find files, LINQ style
- parallel Monte Carlo π / 41. Parallel Monte Carlo π
- primes, yielding / 42. Yielding primes
- Fibonacci numbers, yielding / 43. Yielding Fibonacci numbers
- complex numbers / 44. Complex numbers
- advanced C#, solutions
- about / Solutions
- directory size / 38. Directory size, LINQ style, 39. Directory size, PLINQ style
- LINQ style / 38. Directory size, LINQ style, 40. Find files, LINQ style
- PLINQ style / 39. Directory size, PLINQ style
- DirectoryInfo class / 40. Find files, LINQ style
- parallel Monte Carlo π / 41. Parallel Monte Carlo π
- primes, yielding / 42. Yielding primes
- Fibonacci numbers, yielding / 43. Yielding Fibonacci numbers
- complex numbers / 44. Complex numbers
- API calls
- verifying, into service / Verify the API calls into the service
- TestServer / TestServer
- ServerFixture / ServerFixture
- API project
- configuring / Configuring the API project
- integration test project / Integration test project
- test, creating / Where to begin?
- repository calls, verifying into DB context / Verifying the repository calls into the DB context
- service calls, verifying through repository / Verify that the service calls the DB through the repository
- API calls, verifying into service / Verify the API calls into the service
- API service
- unit testing / Unit-testing an API service
- implementing / Implementing a real API service
- mock API, replacing / Replacing the mock API with the real API service
- Sinon, used to mock Ajax responses / Using Sinon to mock Ajax responses
- application configuration / Application configuration
- application configuration / Application configuration
- Application Secrets
- used, for storing sensitive information / Storing sensitive information using Application Secrets
- argument / 44. Complex numbers
- arrowheads / 9. Arrowheads, 9. Arrowheads
- ASP.NET Core 2.0
- about / What comes with ASP.NET Core 2.0
- Razor pages / ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
- simplified configuration, for Application Insights / Simplified configuration for Application Insights
- ASP.NET core APIs
- protecting / Protecting ASP.NET Core APIs
- ASP.NET Core application
- SSL (Secure Socket Layer), enabling in / Enabling SSL in an ASP.NET Core application
- CORS, enabling in / Enabling CORS in the ASP.NET Core application
- properties, adding in user table / Adding more properties in the user table
- ASP.NET Core Identity framework
- using, for authentication / Using ASP.NET Core Identity for authentication and authorization, Authentication
- using, for authorization / Using ASP.NET Core Identity for authentication and authorization, Authorization
- used, for implementing authentication / Implementing authentication and authorization using the ASP.NET Core Identity framework
- used, for implementing authorization / Implementing authentication and authorization using the ASP.NET Core Identity framework
- ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
- about / ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
- automatic page and view compilation, on publishing / Automatic Page and View compilation on publishing
- asynchronous programming
- versus multithreading / Multithreading versus asynchronous programming
- Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) / Implementing TAP with greater control over Task
- Async Main / Async Main
- augmented matrix / 5. Gaussian elimination
- authentication
- about / Authentication and authorization
- implementing, ASP.NET Core Identity framework used / Implementing authentication and authorization using the ASP.NET Core Identity framework
- authorization
- about / Authentication and authorization
- implementing, ASP.NET Core Identity framework used / Implementing authentication and authorization using the ASP.NET Core Identity framework
- backsolving / 5. Gaussian elimination
- Base Class libraries (BCL) / Evolution of .NET
- bases / 8. Trapezoid rule integration
- Behavior Driven Development (BDD) / An alternative approach , Jest
- BenchmarkDotNet
- exploring / Exploring BenchmarkDotNet
- working / How it works
- parameters, setting / Setting parameters
- memory diagnostics / Memory diagnostics using BenchmarkDotnet
- configurations, adding / Adding configurations
- reference / Adding configurations
- bisection root-finding / 3. Bisection root-finding
- bugs
- fixing / Fixing bugs
- C# 7.0
- features / New features in C# 7.0
- C# 7.1
- Razor support / Razor support for C# 7.1
- Caesar cipher / 45. Caesar cipher, 45. Caesar cipher
- Chai
- about / Mocha and Chai, Chai
- configuring / Configuring to use Mocha and Chai, Configuring Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, and Sinon
- checklist, for migrating .NET Core 1.x to 2.0
- .NET Core 2.0 installation / 1. Install .NET Core 2.0
- TargetFramework, upgrading / 2. Upgrade TargetFramework
- .NET Core SDK version, updating / 3. Update .NET Core SDK version
- .NET Core CLI, updating / 4. Update .NET Core CLI
- changes, in ASP.NET Core Identity / Changes in ASP.NET Core Identity
- circle-circle intersection / 16. Circle-circle intersection, 16. Circle-circle intersection
- circle-line tangents / 17. Circle-line tangents, 17. Circle-line tangents
- circle selection / 14. Circle selection, 14. Circle selection
- code kata
- about / Code katas
- setting up / A quick kata to check our test setup
- requisites / The requirements
- execution / The execution
- beginning / Starting the kata
- coder decoder (codec) / 37. Compressing images
- Command-Line Interface (CLI) / Exploring .NET Core CLI and New Project Templates
- Comma Separated Value (CSV) / Exploring BenchmarkDotNet
- Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) / Understanding MSIL, CLI, CTS, and CLS
- Common Language Specification (CLS) / Understanding MSIL, CLI, CTS, and CLS
- Common Type System (CTS) / Understanding MSIL, CLI, CTS, and CLS
- connections
- pooling, in Entity Framework Core 2.0 / Pooling connections in Entity Framework Core 2.0
- constant pattern / Constant pattern
- convexity testing / 20. Convexity testing, 20. Convexity testing
- convex polygon / 20. Convexity testing
- CoreCLR
- about / CoreCLR
- working / How the CLR works
- CoreFX / CoreFX
- Create React App
- about / Create React App, What is Create React App?
- global module, installing / Installing the global module
- creating / Creating a React application
- script, executing / Running the Create React App script
- ejecting / Ejecting the React app
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- enabling, in ASP.NET Core application / Enabling CORS in the ASP.NET Core application
- cross product / 19. Point in a polygon
- Cryptographically Secure Pseudorandom Number Generator (CSPRNG) / 47. Cryptographic pseudorandom numbers
- Cryptographic Pseudorandom Number Generator (CPRNG) / 47. Cryptographic pseudorandom numbers, 47. Cryptographic random numbers
- cryptography, problems
- Caesar cipher / 45. Caesar cipher
- Vigenère cipher / 46. Vigenère cipher
- cryptographic pseudorandom numbers / 47. Cryptographic pseudorandom numbers
- primes, searching / 48. Find primes
- hash files / 49. Hash files
- steganography / 50. Steganography
- strings, encrypting / 51. Encrypt and decrypt strings
- strings, decrypting / 51. Encrypt and decrypt strings
- files, encrypting / 52. Encrypt and decrypt files
- files, decrypting / 52. Encrypt and decrypt files
- CryptoPad / 53. CryptoPad
- cryptography, solutions
- about / Solutions
- Caesar cipher / 45. Caesar cipher
- Vigenère cipher / 46. Vigenère cipher
- cryptographic random numbers / 47. Cryptographic random numbers
- primes, searching / 48. Find primes
- hash files / 49. Hash files
- steganography / 50. Steganography
- strings, encrypting / 51. Encrypt and decrypt strings
- strings, decrypting / 51. Encrypt and decrypt strings
- files, decrypting / 52. Encrypt and decrypt files
- files, encrypting / 52. Encrypt and decrypt files
- CryptoPad / 53. CryptoPad
- CryptoPad / 53. CryptoPad, 53. CryptoPad
- CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks
- preventing / Preventing CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks
- dataflow pattern / Dataflow pattern
- debug mode
- versus release mode / How releasing builds increases performance
- Dependency Injection
- about / Dependency Injection
- static / Static
- singleton / Singleton
- global state / Global state
- Dependency Injection (DI) / Pooling connections in Entity Framework Core 2.0, Implementing circuit breaker
- Dependency Inversion principle / The Dependency Inversion principle
- discriminant / 15. Line-circle intersection
- dot product / 19. Point in a polygon
- dummies / Dummies
- dummy logger
- about / Dummy logger
- example, in C# / Example in C#
- example, in JavaScript / Example in JavaScript
- early tests
- gold standard tests / Gold standard tests
- potential outcomes , testing / Testing all potential outcomes
- end-to-end integration tests
- about / End-to-end integration tests
- benefits / Benefits
- detriments / Detriments
- performing / How much end-to-end testing should you do?
- Entity Framework Core 2.0
- connections, pooling / Pooling connections in Entity Framework Core 2.0
- Enzyme
- about / Enzyme
- configuring / Configuring Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, and Sinon
- Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) / Implementing TAP with greater control over Task
- fakes
- about / Fakes
- example, in C# / Example in C#
- example, in JavaScript / Example in JavaScript
- features, C# 7.0
- tuples / Tuples
- patterns / Patterns
- reference returns / Reference returns
- expression bodied member extended / Expression bodied member extended
- Local Functions / Creating Local Functions
- out variables / Out variables
- Async Main / Async Main
- files
- encrypting / 52. Encrypt and decrypt files, 52. Encrypt and decrypt files
- decrypting / 52. Encrypt and decrypt files, 52. Encrypt and decrypt files
- files, problems
- about / Problems
- blank lines, removing / 29. Removing blank lines
- directory size / 30. Directory size
- duplicate files, finding / 31. Finding duplicate files
- thumbnails / 32. Thumbnails
- thumbnails web page / 33. Thumbnail web page
- directory, searching / 34. Find files
- Find and Replace / 35. Find and Replace
- images, saving / 36. Saving images
- images, compressing / 37. Compressing images
- files, solution
- about / Solutions
- blank lines, removing / 29. Removing blank lines
- directory size / 30. Directory size
- duplicate files, finding / 31. Finding duplicate files
- thumbnails / 32. Thumbnails
- thumbnails web page / 33. Thumbnail web page
- directory, searching / 34. Find files
- Find and Replace / 35. Find and Replace
- images, saving / 36. Saving images
- images, compressing / 37. Compressing images
- First In First Out (FIFO) / The thread pool in .NET
- FizzBuzz
- about / FizzBuzz, FizzBuzz
- new requirement / A new feature
- number not found error / Number not found
- fragile tests
- about / Fragile tests
- false positives / False positives and false failures
- false failures / False positives and false failures
- abstract DateTime / Abstract DateTime
- framework-dependent deployments (FDDs) / How the CLR works
- Framework Class Library (FCL) / Evolution of .NET
- garbage collection (GC)
- about / CoreCLR, Garbage collection
- generations / Generations in GC
- Gaussian elimination / 5. Gaussian elimination, 5. Gaussian elimination
- geometry, problems
- about / Problems
- Monte Carlo π / 1. Monte Carlo π
- Newton's π / 2. Newton's π
- bisection root-finding / 3. Bisection root-finding
- Newton's method / 4. Newton's method
- Gaussian elimination / 5. Gaussian elimination
- Monte Carlo integration / 6. Monte Carlo integration
- rectangle rule integration / 7. Rectangle rule integration
- trapezoid rule integration / 8. Trapezoid rule integration
- arrowheads / 9. Arrowheads
- line-line intersection / 10. Line-line intersection
- point-line distance / 11. Point-line distance
- point-segment distance / 12. Point-segment distance
- segment-segment distance / 13. Segment-segment distance
- circle selection / 14. Circle selection
- line-circle intersection / 15. Line-circle intersection
- circle-circle intersection / 16. Circle-circle intersection
- circle-line tangents / 17. Circle-line tangents
- polygon area / 18. Polygon area
- point in polygon / 19. Point in a polygon
- convexity testing / 20. Convexity testing
- stars / 21. Stars
- geometry, solutions
- about / Solutions
- Monte Carlo π / 1. Monte Carlo π
- Newton's π / 2. Newton's π
- bisection root-finding / 3. Bisection root-finding
- Newton's method / 4. Newton's method
- Gaussian elimination / 5. Gaussian elimination
- Monte Carlo integration / 6. Monte Carlo integration
- rectangle rule integration / 7. Rectangle rule integration
- trapezoid rule integration / 8. Trapezoid rule integration
- arrowheads / 9. Arrowheads
- line-line intersection / 10. Line-line intersection
- point-line distance / 11. Point-line distance
- point-segment distance / 12. Point-segment distance
- segment-segment distance / 13. Segment-segment distance
- circle selection / 14. Circle selection
- line-circle intersection / 15. Line-circle intersection
- circle-circle intersection / 16. Circle-circle intersection
- circle-line tangents / 17. Circle-line tangents
- polygon area / 18. Polygon area
- point in polygon / 19. Point in a polygon
- convexity testing / 20. Convexity testing
- Stars / 21. Stars
- Gherkin
- about / Gherkin
- Given / Givens
- When / When
- Then / Then
- hashing / 49. Hash files, 49. Hash files
- Hello World
- about / Hello World
- requirements / A change in requirements
- good evening feature / Good evening
- HTTP strict transport security header
- adding / Adding the HTTP strict transport security header
- X-Content-Type-Options header, adding / Adding the X-Content-Type-Options header
- X-Frame-Options header, adding / Adding the X-Frame-Options header
- X-Xss-Protection header, adding / Adding the X-Xss-Protection header
- Content-Security-Policy header, adding / Adding the Content-Security-Policy header
- referrer-policy header, adding / Adding the referrer-policy header
- immutable / 44. Complex numbers
- initialization vector (IV) / 51. Encrypt and decrypt strings
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE) / Writing quality code
- Integrated Development Environment (IDEs)
- downloading / Downloading the IDE
- about / A quick introduction to JavaScript IDEs
- integration / 6. Monte Carlo integration
- integration test / Integration tests
- integration test project / Integration test project
- Interface Segregation principle / The Interface Segregation Principle
- Intermediate Language (IL) / Understanding MSIL, CLI, CTS, and CLS
- issues, preventing test addition
- about / Issues that prevent adding tests
- Law of Demeter / Law of Demeter
- constructor / Work in the constructor
- global state / Global state
- static methods / Static methods
- large classes and functions / Large classes and functions
- issues, resulting from legacy code
- unintended side effects / Unintended side effects
- over-optimization / Over-optimization
- overly clever code / Overly clever code
- third-party software, tight coupling / Tight coupling to third-party software
- JavaScript IDEs
- about / A quick introduction to JavaScript IDEs
- VS Code, installing / Visual Studio Code
- WebStorm / WebStorm
- Create React App / Create React App
- Mocha / Mocha and Chai
- Chai / Mocha and Chai
- code kata, setting up / A quick kata to check our test setup
- Jest / Jest
- JIT compilation / .NET Native and JIT compilation
- Just In Time (JIT) compiler / RyuJIT compiler in .NET Core, CoreCLR
- legacy code
- about / What is legacy code?
- shortcomings / Why does code go bad?
- on project / When does a project become a legacy?
- preventing / What can be done to prevent legacy decay?
- resulting issues / Typical issues resulting from legacy code
- Open Closed Principle / Open Closed Principle and legacy code
- Liskov Substitution Principle / Liskov Substitution Principle and legacy code
- inheriting / Inheriting code
- Mastermind game / The game
- change, requesting / A change is requested
- transferring / Life sometimes hands you lemons
- working with / Getting started
- third-party class, abstracting / Abstracting a third-party class
- unexpected input / Unexpected Input
- customizing / Final beautification
- enhancements / Ready for enhancements
- legacy problems
- dealing with / Dealing with legacy problems
- safe refactoring / Safe refactoring
- early tests / Early tests
- legs / 8. Trapezoid rule integration
- line-circle intersection / 15. Line-circle intersection, 15. Line-circle intersection
- line-line intersection / 10. Line-line intersection, 10. Line-line intersection
- Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
- about / The Liskov Substitution principle, Unintended side effects
- URL / The Liskov Substitution principle
- Live Static Code analysis / Writing quality code
- Local Functions / Creating Local Functions
- Long Term Support (LTS) / Installing Node
- Markdown Documentation (MD) / Exploring BenchmarkDotNet
- Mastermind class / Making sense of the madness
- memory diagnostics
- with BenchmarkDotnet / Memory diagnostics using BenchmarkDotnet
- Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) / Understanding MSIL, CLI, CTS, and CLS
- midpoint rule / 7. Rectangle rule integration
- Mocha
- about / Mocha and Chai, Mocha
- configuring / Configuring to use Mocha and Chai, Configuring Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, and Sinon
- mock API service / A mock API service
- mocking frameworks / Mocking frameworks
- mocks
- about / Mocks
- example, in C# / Example in C#
- examples, in JavaScript / Example in JavaScript
- Model View Controller (MVC) / Evolution of .NET
- modulus / 44. Complex numbers
- Monte Carlo algorithm / 1. Monte Carlo π, 1. Monte Carlo π
- Monte Carlo integration / 6. Monte Carlo integration, 6. Monte Carlo integration
- multiple cores, of CPU
- utilizing, for high performance / Utilizing multiple cores of the CPU for high performance
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) / 37. Compressing images
- multithreading
- versus asynchronous programming / Multithreading versus asynchronous programming
- using, in .NET Core / Multithreading in .NET Core
- limitations / Multithreading caveats
- thread synchronization / Thread synchronization
- task parallel library (TPL) / Task parallel library (TPL)
- parallel programming, design patterns / Design patterns for parallel programming
- .NET Core
- benefits / Evolution of .NET
- about / Evolution of .NET
- portable deployment / Evolution of .NET
- self-contained application deployment / Evolution of .NET
- components / .NET Core internals
- compilation process / From compilation to execution – Under the hood
- multithreading / Multithreading in .NET Core
- threads / Threads in .NET Core
- threads, creating / Creating threads in .NET Core
- thread lifetime / Thread lifetime
- thread pool / The thread pool in .NET
- .NET Core 1.x, migrating to 2.0
- checklist / Upgrading path from .NET Core 1.x to 2.0
- .NET Core 2.0
- reference / Evolution of .NET
- improvements / New improvements in .NET Core 2.0
- performance improvements / Performance improvements
- simplified packaging / Simplified packaging
- applications, benchmarking / Benchmarking .NET Core 2.0 applications
- .NET Core CLI
- exploring / Exploring .NET Core CLI and New Project Templates
- commands / Exploring .NET Core CLI and New Project Templates
- project level commands / Exploring .NET Core CLI and New Project Templates
- server level commands / Exploring .NET Core CLI and New Project Templates
- .NET Core SDK
- installing / Installing the .NET Core SDK
- VS Code, setting up / Getting set up with VS Code
- .NET Core source browser
- reference / CoreFX
- .NET framework
- evolution / Evolution of .NET
- components / Evolution of .NET
- .NET Native / .NET Native and JIT compilation
- .NET Standard
- about / Understanding .NET Standard
- versioning / Versioning of .NET Standard
- .NET Standard 2.0
- improvements / New improvements in .NET Standard 2.0
- APIs / More APIs in .NET Standard 2.0
- compatibility mode / Compatibility mode
- creating / Creating a .NET Standard library
- N-Tiered
- about / N-Tiered example
- presentation layer / Presentation layer
- moq / Moq
- business layer / Business layer
- New Project Templates
- exploring / Exploring .NET Core CLI and New Project Templates
- Newton's method / 2. Newton's π, 4. Newton's method
- Newton-Raphson method / 4. Newton's method
- Node
- about / What is Node?
- need for / Why do we need Node?
- installing / Installing Node
- URL / Installing Node
- installing, for Linux / Linux
- installing, for Mac OSX / Mac OSX
- installing, on Windows / Windows
- Node.js / Node.js
- Node Package Manager (NPM)
- about / NPM, What is NPM?
- need for / Why do we need NPM?
- installing / Installing NPM?
- norm / 44. Complex numbers
- Not a Number (NaN) / 2. Newton's π
- OCP (Open Closed Principle) / Unintended side effects
- out variables / Out variables
- Parallel.ForEach / Parallel.ForEach
- Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) / Parallel LINQ (PLINQ)
- parallel programming
- design patterns / Design patterns for parallel programming
- pipeline pattern / Pipeline pattern
- dataflow pattern / Dataflow pattern
- producer/consumer pattern / Producer/consumer pattern
- Parallel.ForEach / Parallel.ForEach
- Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) / Parallel LINQ (PLINQ)
- parametric equation / 10. Line-line intersection
- patterns
- about / Patterns
- constant patterns / Constant pattern
- type pattern / Type pattern
- var pattern / Var pattern
- reference / Var pattern
- PDD (Pain Driven Development) / What can be done to prevent legacy decay?
- performance improvements, .NET Core 2.0
- RyuJIT compiler / Performance improvements
- profile guided optimization / Profile guided optimization
- perpendicular / 9. Arrowheads
- phase / 44. Complex numbers
- pipeline pattern / Pipeline pattern
- point-line distance / 11. Point-line distance, 11. Point-line distance
- point-segment distance / 12. Point-segment distance, 12. Point-segment distance
- point in polygon / 19. Point in a polygon
- polygon area / 18. Polygon area, 18. Polygon area
- Portable Class Libraries (PCL) / Understanding .NET Standard
- portable executable (PE) file / From compilation to execution – Under the hood
- proactive policies
- about / Proactive policies
- timeout implementation / Implementing timeout
- caching implementation / Implementing caching
- health checks implementation / Implementing health checks
- producer/consumer pattern / Producer/consumer pattern
- profile-guided optimization (PGO) / Profile guided optimization
- pseudorandom techniques / 47. Cryptographic pseudorandom numbers
- quality code
- writing / Writing quality code
- randomization, problems
- about / Problems
- random doubles / 22. Random doubles
- random items / 23. Random items
- Randomize extension / 24. Randomize items
- ChooseGroup extension methods / 25. Random groups
- items, selecting with probabilities / 26. Choose items with probabilities
- random passwords / 27. Random passwords
- random walks / 28. Random walks
- randomization, solutions
- random doubles / 22. Random doubles
- random items / 23. Random items
- items, randomizing / 24. Randomize items
- random groups / 25. Random groups
- items, selecting with probabilities / 26. Choose items with probabilities
- random passwords / 27. Random passwords
- random walks / 28. Random walks
- Razor support
- for C# 7.1 / Razor support for C# 7.1
- React app
- creating / Creating a React app
- ejecting / Ejecting the app
- Mocha, configuring / Configuring Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, and Sinon
- Enzyme, configuring / Configuring Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, and Sinon
- Chai, configuring / Configuring Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, and Sinon
- Sinon, configuring / Configuring Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, and Sinon
- React component
- considering / Considering the React component
- reactive policies
- about / Reactive policies
- retry pattern, implementing / Implementing the retry pattern
- circuit breaker, implementing / Implementing circuit breaker
- circuit breaker, wrapping with retry pattern / Wrapping the circuit breaker with retry
- fallback policy, with circuit breaker and retry / Fallback policy with circuit breaker and retry
- rectangle rule / 7. Rectangle rule integration
- rectangle rule integration / 7. Rectangle rule integration
- Redux testability
- about / Looking at Redux testability
- store / The store
- actions / Actions
- reducers / Reducers
- release build / How releasing builds increases performance
- release mode
- versus debug mode / How releasing builds increases performance
- repository calls
- verifying, into DB context / Verifying the repository calls into the DB context
- InMemory database / InMemory database
- speakers, adding to InMemory database / Adding speakers to the InMemory database
- resilient applications / Introduction to resilient applications
- resilient policies
- about / Resilient policies
- reactive policies / Reactive policies
- proactive policies / Proactive policies
- Riemann sum / 7. Rectangle rule integration
- root-finding algorithms / 3. Bisection root-finding
- row operation / 5. Gaussian elimination
- RyuJIT compiler / RyuJIT compiler in .NET Core
- safe refactoring
- about / Safe refactoring
- values, converting to variables / Converting values to variables
- method, extracting / Extracting a method
- class, extracting / Extracting a class
- third-party libraries, abstracting / Abstracting third-party libraries and framework code
- framework code, abstracting / Abstracting third-party libraries and framework code
- security headers
- reinforcing / Reinforcing security headers
- segment-segment distance / 13. Segment-segment distance, 13. Segment-segment distance
- self-contained deployments (SCDs) / How the CLR works
- service calls
- verifying, through repository / Verify that the service calls the DB through the repository
- ContextFixture / ContextFixture
- Single Page Application (SPA) / What is Speaker Meet?
- Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) / The Single Responsibility Principle
- Sinon
- about / Sinon
- configuring / Configuring Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, and Sinon
- used, to mock Ajax responses / Using Sinon to mock Ajax responses
- existing tests, fixing / Fixing existing tests
- server, mocking / Mocking the server
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) / Big design up front
- SOLID principles
- about / The SOLID principles
- URL / The SOLID principles
- Single Responsibility Principle / The Single Responsibility Principle
- Open/Closed principle / The Open/Closed principle
- Liskov Substitution principle (LSV) / The Liskov Substitution principle
- Interface Segregation principle / The Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion principle / The Dependency Inversion principle
- Speaker listing
- about / Speaker listing
- mock API service / A mock API service
- get all speakers action / The Get All Speakers action
- standard action, testing / Testing a standard action
- thunk, testing / Testing a thunk
- get all speakers reducer / The Get All Speakers reducer
- component / The Speaker listing component
- Speaker Meet
- about / What is Speaker Meet?
- Web API project / Web API project
- Speakers (API), listing / Listing Speakers (API)
- spliting / Breaking down Speaker Meet
- speakers / Speakers
- communities / Communities
- conferences / Conferences
- technical requisites / Technical requirements
- Speaker Meet application
- changes / Changes to Speaker Meet
- backend, changes / Changes to the back-end
- frontend, changes / Changes to the front-end
- speakers, sorted by rating on client side / Sorted by rating on client side
- changes, implementing / What now?
- premature optimization / Premature optimization
- speakers
- mock API Service, adding / Speaker detail
- Get speaker action / The Get Speaker action
- Get Speaker reducer / The Get Speaker reducer
- Speaker Detail component / The Speaker Detail component
- Speakers (API)
- listing / Listing Speakers (API)
- requisites / Requirements
- test file / A new test file
- spies
- about / Spies
- example, in C# / Example in C#
- example, in JavaScript / Example in JavaScript
- SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
- about / SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
- enabling, in ASP.NET Core application / Enabling SSL in an ASP.NET Core application
- Stars / 21. Stars
- steganography / 50. Steganography, 50. Steganography
- strings
- encrypting / 51. Encrypt and decrypt strings, 51. Encrypt and decrypt strings
- decrypting / 51. Encrypt and decrypt strings, 51. Encrypt and decrypt strings
- stubs
- about / Stubs
- example, in C# / Example in C#
- example, in JavaScript / Example in JavaScript
- task / Utilizing multiple cores of the CPU for high performance
- task-based asynchronous pattern (TAP)
- about / Task-based asynchronous pattern (TAP)
- naming convention / Naming convention
- return type / Return type
- parameters / Parameters
- exceptions / Exceptions
- task status / Task status
- task cancellation / Task cancellation
- task progress reporting / Task progress reporting
- implementing, with compilers / Implementing TAP using compilers
- implementing, with control over Task / Implementing TAP with greater control over Task
- task parallel library (TPL)
- about / Utilizing multiple cores of the CPU for high performance, Task parallel library (TPL)
- reference / Utilizing multiple cores of the CPU for high performance
- used, for creating task / Creating a task using TPL
- Task-based asynchronous pattern (TAP) / Task-based asynchronous pattern (TAP)
- TAP, implementing with compilers / Implementing TAP using compilers
- TAP, implementing with control over Task / Implementing TAP with greater control over Task
- test
- types / Different types of test
- unit test / Unit tests
- acceptance test / Acceptance tests
- integration test / Integration tests
- end-to-end test / End to end tests
- requisites / Requirements
- in C# / Our first tests in C#
- application, growing / Growing the application with tests
- in JavaScript / Our first tests in JavaScript
- test, requisites
- about / Why are they important?
- user story / User stories
- Gherkin / Gherkin
- Test-Driven Development (TDD)
- about / First, a little background, John's story on TDD, Clayton's story on TDD, So, what is TDD?, Where to begin, A clean slate
- approach / An approach to TDD
- alternative approach / An alternative approach
- process / The process, Red, green, and refactor, Coder's block
- validating / Why should we care?
- arguments / Arguments against TDD, Arguments in favor of TDD
- testing / Testing takes time, Testing is expensive, Testing is difficult, We don't know how, Test small, When testing is painful
- manual testing, reducing / Reduces the effort of manual testing
- bug count, reducing / Reduces bug count
- level of correctness, ensuring / Ensures some level of correctness
- refactoring, removing / Removes the fear of refactoring
- architecture / A better architecture
- development / Faster development
- code, writing / Why does it matter?
- monolithic application, developing / One bite at a time
- Minimum Viable Product / Minimum Viable Product
- recover approach / Different mindset
- method / YAGNI – you aren't gonna need it
- test, executing / Devil's advocate
- negative cases, testing / Test negative cases first
- spike / A spike
- assert / Assert first
- organized / Stay organized
- test doubles / Test doubles
- test double types
- about / Test double types
- dummies / Dummies
- dummy logger / Dummy logger
- stubs / Stubs
- spies / Spies
- mocks / Mocks
- fakes / Fakes
- third-party software
- abstracting / Abstracting third-party software
- thread synchronization
- about / Thread synchronization
- monitors / Monitors
- timely greeting / Timely greeting
- TLS (Transport Level Security) / Adding the HTTP strict transport security header
- TODO app
- about / TODO app
- mark complete / Mark complete
- tests, adding / Adding tests, Adding tests
- production code / Production code, Production code
- task removal, avoiding / But don't remove from the list!
- trapezoid / 8. Trapezoid rule integration
- trapezoid rule integration / 8. Trapezoid rule integration
- tuples
- characteristics / Tuples
- type
- quantity / Quantity of each test type
- type pattern / Type pattern
- UML (Unified Modeling Language) / When does a project become a legacy?
- unit test
- about / Unit tests
- parts / Parts of a unit test
- arrange / Arrange
- act / Act
- assert / Assert
- Universal Windows Platform (UWP) / Understanding .NET Standard, .NET Native and JIT compilation
- unsafe refactoring / Free to do unsafe refactoring
- user story
- about / User stories
- Role / Role
- Request / Request
- Reason / Reason
- var pattern / Var pattern
- Vigenère cipher / 46. Vigenère cipher, 46. Vigenère cipher
- Visual Studio Community
- setting up / Setting up Visual Studio Community
- downloading / Downloading Visual Studio Community
- installing / Installing Visual Studio Community
- VS Code
- IDE, downloading / Downloading the IDE
- installing / Installing the VS Code, Installing Visual Studio Code
- extensions, adding / Adding extensions
- project, creating / Creating a project in VS Code
- about / Why Visual Studio Code?
- installing, on Linux / Linux
- installing, on Mac / Mac
- installing, on Windows / Windows
- plugins, installing / Installing the plugins you will need
- testing environment, configuring / Configuring the testing environment
- watermarking / 50. Steganography
- Web API project / Web API project
- WebStorm
- about / WebStorm, Why WebStorm?
- installing / Installing WebStorm
- installing, on Linux / Linux
- installing, on Mac / Mac
- installing, on Windows / Windows
- plugins, installing / Installing the plugins you will need
- testing environment, configuring / Configuring the testing environment
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) / Understanding .NET Standard
- xUnit
- switching / Switching to xUnit
- code kata / Code katas
- test project, creating / Creating the test project
- Given3ThenFizz test / The Given3ThenFizz test
- Given5ThenBuzz test / The Given5ThenBuzz test
- Given15ThenFizzBuzz test / The Given15ThenFizzBuzz test
- Given1Then1 test / The Given1Then1 test
- theories / Theories
- FizzBuzz Problem, solution / Solution to the FizzBuzz Problem
- yak shaving
- about / Yak shaving
- big design / Big design up front