Chapter 1, Introducing Hybrid Cloud, deals with the definitions and demographics of the cloud, the differences between service down and infrastructure up cloud, and its examples.
Chapter 2, Hybrid Cloud – Why Does It Matter?, starts with adoption statistics of the hybrid cloud and moves on to drivers for cloud adoption, public cloud benefits, and its shortcomings. Finally, we introduce a case for hybrid cloud and how to maximize the benefits using the best of both worlds.
Chapter 3, Hybrid Cloud Building Blocks, introduces the building blocks of the hybrid cloud using an example of a web application, use cases that potentially will need a hybrid cloud, making applications suitable for a hybrid cloud using decoupling, and services that are used to enable the hybrid cloud.
Chapter 4, Architecting the Underpinning Services, covers the concepts of networking, DNS systems, IAM systems, application components, and choosing the appropriate components for the use with a hybrid cloud.
Chapter 5, Hybrid Cloud Deployment – Architecture and Preparation, covers the concepts of AWS, architecting an AWS environment, the basic design of an OpenStack environment, setting up a DevStack, and connectivity between the cloud environments.
Chapter 6, Building a Traditional CMP-Based Hybrid Cloud, starts with AWS's storage gateway and use cases in the hybrid cloud scenario, the concepts of CMP, setting up Docker, and running a ManageIQ container in Docker.
Chapter 7, Building a Containerized Hybrid Cloud, introduces the basics of container orchestration platforms, an introduction to Kubernetes, deploying Kubernetes using Juju, and closes with using the kubefed project to federate a hybrid cloud based on Kubernetes.
Chapter 8, Using Prebuilt Hybrid Cloud Solution, introduces products that are available from different providers, including AzureStack and Project Omni.
Chapter 9, DevOps in the Hybrid Cloud, deals with the traditional development cycle and the steps involved, along with the concepts of DevOps and NoOps. We look at the introduction to IaaC, templatizer, and configuration management systems and their roles in the development cycle. We take an example of Terraform and its deployment with a sample to solidify the concepts of IaaC. Also, deploy Ansible and a sample to solidify the concepts of configuration management.
Chapter 10, Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud, introduces the basics of monitoring, along with Prometheus and Grafana, to help us monitor the hybrid cloud.
Chapter 11, Security in a Hybrid Cloud, starts with the concepts of security and compliance standards, and moves on to taking HIPAA as an example to elucidate some of the best practices that need to be used.