- Which of the following tasks does not belong to computer vision: a web search of images similar to a query, a 3D scene reconstruction from image sequences, or the animation of a video character?
The latter, which instead belongs to the domain of computer graphics. Note, however, that increasingly, computer vision algorithms are helping artists to generate or animate content more efficiently (such as the motion capture methods, for instance, which record actors performing some actions and transfer the motions to virtual characters).
- Which activation function did the original perceptrons use?
The step function.
- Suppose we want to train a method to detect whether a handwritten digit is a 4. How should we adapt the network implemented in the chapter for this task?
In the chapter, we trained a classification network to identify pictures of digits from 0 to 9. Therefore, the network had to predict the proper class among 10, hence, an output vector of 10 values (one for each...