Time for action – keeping track of credit sales
You have completed the contract for Acme Inc. successfully. Congratulations! You are now ready to invoice. We will take you through the steps for creating the invoice, posting it, formatting it and printing it ready for mailing.
From the menu, select Business | Customer | New Invoice….
In the Invoice Information pane, leave Invoice ID blank. GnuCash will generate numbers sequentially. Enter a date of over a month ago in the Date Opened field. This will help you to process the payment right away (for the purposes of this tutorial), without having to wait for a month for the invoice to become due.
GnuCash automatically generates Invoice IDs starting with 000001. This cannot be changed from the user interface. However, if you have to change this, we will show you a workaround later in this chapter.
In the Billing Information pane, for Customer click Select…. The Find Customer dialog will open.
In the Search Criteria pane change contains to matches...