Altering our prompt to generate a better book cover
Recall that the cover we created earlier encountered some problems, including incorrect cover size, misspelled title, and improper placement of the title text. Let’s look into how we can address and rectify these issues.
We can alter our initial prompt to remove the text “Morning Glory” by simply not including it in the next prompt, and include the output size of 1,024 x 1,792. See our following updated prompt:
Create morning glories crawling around a sword in the forest with morning sunlight coming through the
trees, 1024×1792
As you can observe, in this prompt I am telling DALL-E 3 that I need a vertical image when I end my prompt with 1024x1792
. Note that when you use size prompts, the first figure is the width, followed by the height. See Figure 6.2.
Figure 6.2: Add the 1024x1792 size parameter
At times, the specific dimensions you request in your prompt might not...