So far, the stores we have worked on have been simple and short. But, as everyone knows, even the simplest of applications tend toward complexity over time. As you have learned in the previous chapters, your store can contain a state, a block of getters, a block of mutations and actions, and as you will learn later in this chapter, modules.
As your application grows, having one file for your Vuex store could become hard to manage. Both bug fixing and updates for new functionality could become more difficult. This chapter will discuss two different ways to help manage this complexity and organize your Vuex stores. To be clear, these are optional things you can do to help manage your store. If your store is simple and you would like to keep it that way, that is fine. You can always use these approaches in the future, and the great thing is that no-one outside your store will need to be aware – they will continue to use Vuex data as they did before. You can...