Please try to answer the following questions. When in doubt, have a look at the content in the chapter itself: you'll find all the answers there!
- When would you prefer to use sembast over SQLite in an app?
- How can you retrieve all the documents from a store in a sembast database?
- How can you delete all the documents from a store in a sembast database?
- How would you complete the following method to update an existing object in a sembast database?
Future updateTodo(Todo todo) async {
//add your code here
- What are the main differences between Futures and Streams?
- When would you use the BLoC pattern in an app?
- In a StreamController, what are the purposes of stream and sink?
- Which is the object that allows you to listen to the events from the Stream and rebuild all its descendants?
- How do you listen to changes in a Stream?
- Why would you use a stateful widget when...