Customizing the Scene View
In this section we are going to take a look how to create a custom GUI in the Scene View and change its default behavior.
Using the OnSeceneGUI message method
To start rendering a GUI in Scene View, we are going to make use of a message method part of the Editor
class, OnSeceneGUI
In terms of GUI creation, we can make use of all the techniques we learned in the previous chapters working with custom inspectors and editor windows. In this case, we are going to use a toolbar component like the one used in the Palette window to simulate the tabs.
To see how this works, we are going to create a toolbar attached to the left top corner of the scene view. Each item of this toolbar will be one of the possible modes.
Let's add this method with the following code inside the LevelInspector
private void DrawModeGUI() { List<Mode> modes = EditorUtils.GetListFromEnum<Mode>(); List<string> modeLabels = new List<string>(); foreach(Mode mode...