The ItemSelector extension
is a specialized MultiSelect
field that renders as a pair with the MultiSelect
field; one with the available options and the other with the selected options. A set of buttons in between, allows the items to be moved between the fields and reordered within the selection. Also, they can be moved via drag-and–drop method.
Here, in the following code, a form panel class is defined, in which we are using the ItemSelector
extension as an item of this form:
Ext.define('Examples.view.itemselector.ItemSelectorFormPanel', { extend : 'Ext.form.Panel', alias : 'widget.itemselectorformpanel', requires : ['Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector'], constructor : function(config) { Ext.apply(this, { bodyPadding : 10, items : [{ anchor : '100%', xtype: 'itemselector', name: 'itemselector', store : Ext.create(''), valueField : 'name', displayField : 'name', fromTitle: 'Available...