Working with Skaffold container image builders
From Chapter 3, Skaffold – Easy-Peasy Cloud-Native Kubernetes Application Development, we know that Skaffold currently supports the following container image builders:
- Dockerfile
- Jib (Maven and Gradle)
- Bazel
- Cloud-native Buildpacks
- Custom scripts
- kaniko
- Google Cloud Build
In this section, we will cover these in detail by using them with the Spring Boot application we just built in the previous section. Let's talk about Dockerfile first.
Docker is the gold standard for creating containers for many years. Even though there are many alternatives to Docker today, but it is still alive and kicking. Docker architecture depends on a daemon process that must be running to service all of your Docker commands. Then there is a Docker CLI that sent the commands to the Docker daemon for execution. The daemon process does what is required to push, pull, run container images, and so...